Aigh, sorry but I’m gonna try and snap your kneecaps real quick Caec, I still like you though. Pull your head out of the MRP pool for a minute.
Caec, the issue that most people bring up (and will bring up) is how it’s almost as if it’s up to admin discretion how to enforce “THAT IS ERP, YOU GET PERMA” and “THAT IS ERP, YOU GET VALIDED” instead of having it actually set on stone how each fuckin’ thing works.
Having BOTH will mean admins will have two options to choose from if they want.
Either A) decide what “erp shit” makes you valid and not banneable (light NSFW copypasta intended for the memes instead of getting a boner, WGW) or B) DELETE ONE OF THE TWO RULES.
Or C) actually make sure every jannie knows which rule to enforce how by clarifying things.
But that’s gonna be impossible.
Because by god, if me being a jannie for almost an entire year, and headmin for 3 months, taught me anything, is that some people, SPECIFICALLY JANNIES, simply refuse to change something if it works for them and they don’t get punished for it.
It’s no secret that MRP gets the spotlight. No secret that MRP is what Bee is all about now, not the “chaotic fun” back in early 2019.
MRP is where you get the most pop, and the most positive public look, because you can’t say n-words and you have to keep it all tidy and nice looking or else admins slap your ass and you lose your precious spot in the pop-locked MRP server, because admins don’t want to deal with people who want to try and make some fun out of MEDIUM role play level instead of acting as NPCs.
Because if Bee is only known for the LRP, slur-allowing, powergaming-incentivizing server, TG and reddit looks down at you with disgust and calls you a Hippie ripoff.
I know this because the few times I had to get on MRP, some admin was just watching people break shit and was too lazy to bwoink them or anything.
Because I was there and I saw how fuckin’ Oranges took a shit on Bee like we were a cheap copy of Hippie and a shittier /tg/.
Oh but admin favoritism is no secret nor no joke, it exists. From admin to player, and admin to admin.
A not-as-harsh punishment for someone because they’re friends with the admin.
Or openly supporting a chance to appeal despite being a long time player and ex admin who knew the rules.
I’ve seen some admins get Senior despite recent fuckups.
I’ve seen some admins literally +2ing an ex jannie despite it being CLEAR AS FUCKING CRYSTAL that it’s against the rules to apply as an underage person.
“But Crossed said he’d allow it!”
Well holy shit, Lago did shoot it down anyways, didn’t he?
Not a normal admin.
Not a senior admin.
Not a TRIAL ADMIN for fuck’s sake.
A headmin.
Whenever the entire staff team laughs at something and mocks it, or openly supports it, despite it being against the rules, a headmin has to intervene for a punishment to actually happen.
Xlyana was out of the loop, not as active in-game, let alone on the discord’s chats BESIDES the headmin ones. Hence why they went straight for a permaban request.
Same with Lago and Bass’ admin app, though I am guessing there was more to it.
Y’all are literally making it almost an incentive to be MRP-only admins.
How the fuck did @Ruko get senior despite getting a strike a month and a half-ish ago? I don’t have anything against him, even supported him on applying for admin when he was unsure about it, but I personally didn’t nor do currently see him as Seniormin material when so many admins have more playtime and more knowledge than him.
So no, it’s not a “conspiracy” that half the meme squad playerbase has while wearing tinfoil hats and trying to connect weirdly-shaped dots.
They have every right to believe it. And they are right to some extent at the very least.
If you’re part of the circlejerk or not, I can’t care less about it. I know there is one, and y’all are awful at hiding it. I was there when it first started taking place, and all I can think is that it eventually grew bigger.
Get your head out of the MRP pool of cum for a moment, and choose what to do with the ERP rules.
Delete one, or clarify how each work.
You can’t have both without clarification.