CKEY: Arrfur
Admin’s CKEY: WhyIsCaeciliusTaken
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both
Which server did the ban happen on? Golden
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: P e r m a
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 05/22/2020
Round ID: 16455
Ban Reason: “Purged the AI and uploaded selfantag laws, then when it had its laws changed again uploaded lawsets that forced the AI to spam erotic copypastas on the radio.”
Appeal Reason:
The ban reason is false. Don’t know what else to tell you.
For starters, the round was over, I log out, then come back a few hours later to find out I’ve been perma-banned with no discussion as to find out what happened! Cool!
Let’s break this down.
“Purged the AI and uploaded selfantag laws"
Yes, I did purge the AI. But the AI had previously said that they do not have any laws. This was my reason for uploading laws in the first place.
EDIT NOTE: I should clarify that I meant from a logs perspective. The AI has previously stated that it had no laws, so I purged before uploading new laws just to be on the safe side. I did not remove any asimov lawsets or the like jesus christ
As for the ‘Self Antag Laws’… I’ll let you decide. I don’t see how different it is to asimov laws, but you be the judge.
(Apologies for the fucky errors, I forgot that using quotes in byond is fucky)
EDIT NOTE: I should stress that the line that lets ‘Players’ kill ‘Mobs’ was because a plasma-man, (who was the only non-human at the time) was going around injecting people with impedrizine and giving them brain traumas
Finally, “uploaded lawsets that forced the AI to spam erotic copypastas on the radio.”
Either Caecilius was lied to, or didn’t actually take the time to look at the lawset. Luckily I have a screencap of the lawset
I’m certain that any competant admin would know that lower laws take priority than higher ones. So no, I did not “Force AI to spam erotic copypastas”.
(And besides, since when were copypastas an instant, no questions asked perma ban? I don’t see how this copypasta is any different to WGW? )
Caecilius perma-banned me out of the blue either based on hearsay without looking into the logs, or DID look into the logs and banned me for a copypasta and giving the AI human oriented laws when it previously had none