Title: [CKEY] banned by [Admin’s CKEY]
CKEY: arbalezt
Admin’s CKEY: francinum
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both
Which server did the ban happen on? sage
Ban Type: role + server
Ban Length: role: 1 month, server: 1 week
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): Right now, 05/FEB/2021
Round ID: 26785
Ban Reason: “Shot the detective for treason during a cult round for refusing to arrest someone, and forcing the HoS to release a mindshielded prisoner. Shoving your boss doesn’t equate to mutiny.”
Appeal Reason: Justified action on my part for the circumstances of the round.
Additional Information:
The setting:
Delta Station
Cult round
Red Alert
I see an individual, Gukle, lawyer, at the bridge. He is together and going in tow with another player, the barber of the round. They had AA from the HoP and also from the HoP they had mindshields. I spent quite some time at the brig overall and I knew they were not vetted by holy water, it does not matter if they were cult or not, they did not receive holy water so I had no way of knowing at the time.
I talk with them a bit. Then I tell them I have to take them to the brig for holy water. I take out one of my guns on disabler mode and I fire on them, after which they begin running away, which to me further reinforces the idea that they are indeed cult. I manage to get them both down, cuff both but the barber escapes.
I take Gukle to the brig, where I see an explosion happened and there was no chaplain and no tank of holy water, I try to go further north in the brig, then we get notification of radiation. I then take the prisoner and myself to the detective maint. Where by the time the rad storm starts, the detective comes, drunk off his ass by the way, during a red alert, and an unidentified individual. I disable the individual, they had a flash in their possession, and ask the detective to arrest. Det begins questioning me and the individual escapes. Gukle and detective somehow come to an agreement that I should “chill”, detective stunlocks me by pushing and opens the way for Gukle to run.
Captain enters the same maint then, I disable the detective with the baton, then, while captain is watching I execute him with the laser gun, calling it mutiny. At which point the round takes a break for me as I am messaged by francium.
Feel free to post the admin chat.