Ambiic/Elliot Peters Validhunting Report


Your Discord:

Offender’s CKEY:ambiic

Offender’s In-Game Name:Elliot Peters

Server (Sage or Acacia):sage

Date (YYYY-MM-DD):22/01/2024

Round Number:47439

Rules Broken: 2 No Powergaming (specifically 2.3.1 - no valid-hunting.)

Incident Description:I was a traitor. I got the captain’s ID and assumed captaincy. Made cheeseburgers for everyone.
I started shooting my target Lydia on the escape shuttle (I didn’t attack them earlier because, well… I feel like RRing someone earlier than escape shuttle on a lowpop round is a bit of a dick move.)
Then Elliot Peters, an explorer, who didn’t know the situation, ran toward the captain and another man firing high calibre weapons at someone to intervene like steven seagal or some other action movie dude.

He’d been spending the round getting that gamer loot and wanted to use it I guess.

Additional Information:He also spread a bunch of debeaked facehuggers around the escape shuttle I think? not sure why.


“The act of deliberately seeking out and/or killing a valid individual. An inherently controversial subject.”
I never seeked you out, you were five to ten meters away from me when you started shooting them. Clues in the name; “valid hunting”.

I knew that Lydia had been kind to me and I saw someone was shooting her so I decided to step in and get them out of there.

Pistols are high caliber? I just heard the sound of a small caliber gun.
Quora said these are high caliber.

Funny. Had two Lamarrs and spent whatever points I had left on fake ones. None of which will infect people.

You came into the VC after the round a bit and felt like you were very upset that I denied your green text by protecting a pal.

A shotgun and an autorifle. Also Eliana had a railgun. So yes. High-Calibre.

I was trying to explain that:

  • I thought you were a good player and just made the wrong call in this specific situation
  • I felt that you were wrong in running towards gunfire as a non-sec crewmember.

I see trying to talk things out with you just resulted in you using it as ammunition, though, so now I wish I hadn’t.

Aah, I somewhat recall a shotgun being shot. Either way, figured I could run away with Lydia. Kind of forgot that they can’t walk… Even before being shot.

Would’ve been for the better.

I… had no weapons on me… Maybe I had my knife on me? I left my Exploration weapons on the shuttle, including my hardsuit and left all found contraband weapons at the Brig. Seeing as there was no Security. You most likely got it.

Throughout the round, I’ve never hit you.

High caliber yes, high powered no. One term is used by general media reffering only to bore diameter, other is measured by gunpowder amount or proportions between projectile it ejects.

Not that it makes any difference in this report but…
God I love guns.


Why is the caliber of guns relevant in any way here.

Just focus on the events of the given round lol


Had a decent look through the logs and I still cant understand why Elliot Peters decided it was a good idea to run from 10-15 tiles away to shove a man shooting buckshot at someone, when they themselves are unarmed and not part of security, just to try and grab Lydia’s body and get her away? Just seems a bit silly if you ask me, the guy could spin round and dome you with his shotgun >.>


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