Allow AI to choose its roundstart lawset

Yeah the issue is that, that would happen mostly on Golden. Not Sage. On Sage you could always make it an SOP violation. On Golden, well good luck.

personally i just think it should be purged roundstart

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Letting the AI pick is a terrible idea, would be better as the RD choosing since otherwise AI will just pick the least restrictive every time.

Not true. some ais like asimov, some prefer crewsimov, some like corporate and so on.

the RD can already choose. But they dont do it. Also letting someone else decide how you are supposed to play is… not good for gameplay.
The choices would of course be limited.

Bad, the average shit AI player will just choose the most potent lawset for themselves that lets them validhunt as a normal human.

Station traits already introduces a chance to get a random lawset.

Why not?

You’re a piece of equipment.

No, I am a human being playing a video game. Having a certain direction and restrictions as to what your role should be is fine, but you should never forget that it is still a player behind the role.

Give players not enough freedom and they will loathe the role after a while.
Give players too much freedom and there is no roleplay left.

You have to find the middle-ground between it for a good player experience.


There almost always is an AI when there’s good pop, that really isn’t a problem we have. We have AIs far more reliably than we do captains, HoSes, honestly even HoPs.

This is the middleground (aside from fixing golden’s inconsistency.)

The high ground is removing roundstart AI, the best decision bay has made.

Also the main difference in our opinions might be you playing MRP while I exclusively play LRP. The roleplay is kept to a minimum on Golden, and it is good that way. If you don’t like the proposition, would you be against an implementation on Golden only as well?

how is choosing the most extreme decision besides complete removal the best decision.

I wouldn’t mind
You could even make corporate default on golden, and save having to program something like this which powergamers will inevitable keep asking to have on sage.

When it comes to RP, AI makes antag play less interesting (and necessitate more powergaming and tools like jaunt.) Makes normal manhunts conducted by hand less common.

And it discourages people from talking to eachother. If you want something from the chem dispenser people will tend to ask the AI to let them in instead of getting someone to let them in/make the chem for them.

Its my main job because it’s something of a spectator mode but I struggle to actually think of how it makes rounds better. The only exception is when it’s subverted with some weird law and you play along with it in an interesting way. Or when you rescue a prisoner because seccies said over radio they were going to execute him.

SS13 began as a sandbox where design didn’t matter, and “good play” was enforced by the community being extremely small. If it was made from scratch and designed as a round-based roleplaying game I don’t think you’d include AI. They usually just function as validhunters in the sky

Somehow i feel like this is unture. Having the all seeing eye of the Ai over you necessitates you develop more clever ways to avoid it. Learn new game mechanics. Use items you never thought you would use. All in an effort to avoid detection. And if you do get detected, well then you should probably figure out a way to stop being detected.

Double edged sword.

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or just, use an agent card which automatically makes you invisible to the ai

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Or actually use the AI detector, an item i almost never see used.

Those items all got opportunity cost to bypass something (and only apply to tators)

and has little effect when you’re actually acting

It also reveals you, as being unable to inspect you as an AI makes things fairly obvious that you are a traitor tot.

just wait until you murder someone to use it, it’s not like you need it on when you’re eatin burgers

you could also subvert the ai, which is piss easy

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And a subverted ai is a lot more terrifying to the station than an unsubverted ai is to traitors.


plus if you tell it to plasmaflood or something then the crew will all die and then they will try and kill ai, they do the work for you

You can, yeah.

Its why im glad the change to make it harder died tbh, I think subversion being so easy is fun.

you usually cant tell it to do that

You know, that could actually be a decent perk for the RD.

Similar to captain getting a charter, give RDs something similar that lets them set the initial programming of the AI if they do it early enough without treking to the upload.

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