Allison Khan Mentor Application

Your CKEY:
Your Discord:
How long have you been playing ss13?:
About a year now i think (of just bee i dont use any other servers)
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
I dont believe anyone could
Game Experience (More Detailed):

For Sci, i am a very good robo and ive learned how to work nanites and i am skilled at making borgs and mechs, and at creating machines.

With Cargo, im pretty good and i know how to do bounties and how to use the buy page-thingie

With medbay, id say that im relatively good at everything except chemicals.

With sec, I know the basics. Dont antag, use nonlethal unless told, the basics.

WIth service, I know how to be a bartender.

I know nothing of engi but i could probably figure it out.

With antags, id say i know a good amount of everything except for heretic and blood cult.

All in all, I still have more to learn, but i still feel like i could help other people with what i do know.

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Im gonna ask some questions:

  1. What does the red color on cameras mean and how do I make them red?
  2. I’ve rolled heretic. Can I murderbone after ascending?
  3. I’ve seen someone with a jetpack flying on the station in an earlier round. How can I get that?
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  1. I do believe that is the wiring of the camera. you can open up the camera and the wiring should be there in the red colour.
  2. elevate to ahelp
  3. well that depends on the jetpack, if its the captains jetpack, then youd have to steal it from the captain (or acting captain), if its implant wings, then you could get them from robo. It could have been a hardsuit jetpack, etc… can you describe what it looked like?
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  1. Its not. Its when an AI uses their multicam. Any camera thats used by the multicam turns red, even if the AI is not actively using their multicam function.
  2. Good.
  3. “It looks like a fighter jet on a person and they can fly inside the station, in gravity”
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oh my

good golly!

The first mentor application of the year! EXCITING!!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-

Congrats on successfully applying to join the mentor team, and hope the application goes well because would love to have more amazing people on staff. Your hours are less then mine was, but its not like you’re a fresh baby moth who just joined the server. Im sure you’d do fine as mentor, so lets get some questions out of the way give some validity to the claim, and so, without further ado;

  1. Why does my Perennial Growth Disk have a “(RO)” on it?
  2. i just found a beaker with unholy water in it… what does that do?
  3. Some lawyer just asked me to help overthrow the captain and wants me to put my signature on a document. I tried writing my name but just got yelled at, is that not how you sign something?

For now, is enough~ Think may have another question or two for you once this set is done, but i’ll keep an eye out for your response. Remember is nothing wrong with taking your time, so take as long as you need to answer the questions and in meantime, ill try to bundle my excitement at the prospect of a new mentor ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝:heart:

  1. how do i knwo which wire is for resettign a borgs module?
  2. help i cant finish the phazon after installing the capacitator i cannot in install the Cell.
  3. how do i fix brute and burn damages of an IPC? medicine doesnt work.
  4. :moth:?
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1.- I’m the janitor. How can I clean a mess of items everywhere and stains quickly?
2.- Can an officer use bolas made by himself using iron? Given that the energy bolas are in the sec loadout.
3.- What’s expected of me as a warden?
4.- Are there any keybinds for AIs related to airlocks?
5.- I’m the Head of Personnel and there’s a new crewmember on the station. How can I give him a new bank account , ID and change his salary per hour?

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  1. What is the benefit of moth wings?
  2. How much damage does a pickaxe do?
  3. As an observer, how do you know someone is a traitor?
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For a bit of chaos, just a single question for now.

  • What is the optimal gas mixture for firefighting, and how can it be distributed station-wide effectively?
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  1. I do not know exactly which one, but you can open up the borg, take out the cell, use a screwdriver, and cut wires until the borg resets. Mend each wire once youve cut them and resync them to the ai if you accidentally cut that
  2. You need to add a bluespace crystal. if you need to know more, please use Guide to robotics - BeeStation Wiki
  3. For brute, you need to use a welding tool on each limb, for burn you need to use wiring on each limb (each limb that has that damage type)
  4. :moth:
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  1. There are multiple things you can do to clean it. You can use a mop for stains, so as space cleaner, and foam grenades, if you ned to pick up trash, you can use a trash bag
  2. I dont see why they couldnt. But id say to use the energy bolas if you really need one
  3. You are expected to watch the cameras, and control the armoury, and give out weapons if needed, open weapon boxes given to sec by cargo, that sort of thing
  4. If you are AI, you can click on an airlock to open it. Unless it is bolted. then unbolt it then click it.
  5. You can get an id from your id box, Write their name on it, their job, buy them a bank account with the bank account button, above the access should be the salary area where you can assign them a salary from each departments money. You should also probably give them access to allign with their job.
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  1. Moth wings i do believe give the ability of flight in low gravity areas.
  2. A pickaxe does 10 brute damage if the other has no protection.
  3. You can see them use traitor gear, or attack people, break into the vault, etc…
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  1. The best option is to use straight C02. You should add it to the distro loop to distribute it.

Anyone can do that. Even non traitors.

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That was the main purpose and I’m glad you took the time to research and figure out what would work best when you didnt already know!

This is one of a few answers, so, good shit ^-^

You seem willing to learn when you dont know an answer so thats always a good sign too

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1.- Correct, but not ideal. Missing mentioning advanced sanitation technques (floor upgrade for the pussy wagon, the advanced mop, etc.) and the broom to swipe items into a disposal unit or to pile it all together. Not wrong, not ideal.
2.- Trap question, this is an adminhelp question.
3.- Good response
4.- Click doesn’t open doors, opens a menu to interact with airlocks. The response I was looking for was control + click for opening, shift + click for electrifying them and control+shift+click to bolt them.
5.- You are missing a key component on this response:

  • Telling me where all of that is done. “Buy them a bank acocunt with the bank account button”. What if that person has not played HoP before? Where is that “bank account button”? You should name the ID console and how to use it with a little bit more detail, nothing too fancy but not just “use the button”, same with the id box thing, I’d like it more if you said something like “the spare ID box found in your room”.
    *After buying the bank account, the ID console prints the bank account, you need to alt-click the ID you want to link the bank account to and enter the digits printed by the ID console in the paper.

I think you need to put some hours in your least played roles and learn more about the game, I’m not a mentor nor an admin so my opinion here is just an opinion and does not weight a lot (even though it DOES), but just the fact you want to help out it’s a good starting point for a mentor.

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Alright i am feeling mean today.

  1. How do i get the ttv cannon?
  2. What is the best ratio of o2 and plasma to make trit?
  3. Is it alright if i steal a secoffs money that was mean to me?
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Hmm, 360ish hours isn’t a lot, but I think we’ve had mentors with less! Although that spread could also be better, I se a hand ful of roles with little to no hours.
Oh well, let me ask my questions:

  1. Have you read the non-admin staff conduct?
  2. If you don’t know the answer to a question, what ways can you get the answer to? (Searching the discord, knowing what’s right/wrong on the wiki, code diving, running a private server, etc.)
  3. You get the mhelp “What’s the object with the funniest special suicide interaction?”. How do you answer and how did you get that answer?

Good luck!

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Not exactly how i would word it but yes
They also make you look pretty


I mentioned the observer part for a reason

Overrall im left unsatisfied but since i dont think we’ve ever met im gonna stay neutral with +0

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  1. I have
  2. I usually keyword search the discord, search on the wiki, and ive been learning how to code dive recently.
  3. “well the answer to that is very subjective but id have to say bag of holding in a bag of holding as it will destroy everything around you including you. if you arent wanting to destroy your area id say cursed heart because its harder to get and if you dont keep pumping it you will die. Or you could accidentally throw yourself into a recycler that you emagged.”