Admins apparently can't be job banned

Comparing only for cynicism

Fair, but I still want some kind of explanation. Even if it’s just “We meant to handle this internally, this wasn’t meant to be shown in public and that’s why it was removed”, that would’ve been a better answer. For me at least.

At this point it’s just a difference between how transparent the admin team should be with some things and how transparent I think some things should be. I spent a short time being a admin on bee, and getting admin positions in other communities I understand handling things internally and most of it is things that the general community doesn’t and shouldn’t have to get answers to. But at least some basic explanation looks a lot better to the community than being super tight lipped in a situation like this.

TLDR: I understand handling things internally when dealing with admins, I just believe elaborating on why this once public ban is suddenly being handled internally is something that should be done. And a elaboration that isn’t just “Admin secrets”

I use to BE a admin for beestation, I just have differing opinions in admin transparency and think in this situation that their should be a better reasoning why it’s suddenly being handled internally after being a public ban. Even if it just boils down to “We meant to do this internally and not make this public”. I don’t have anything against winter either.

Nice pun there buddy

The autisme did it wrong that’s the reason I trust him, he might be a new headmin but still

Admins are judged differently, because ‘regular’ people would never get it. First of all you are approved after they discuss that internally, then you are promoted after they discuss that internally, so that’s two steps. Then every report is processed by them internally, so again they discuss (keep in mind that it might be completely different set of headmins at this point). If headmins decide that some admin can be removed, they don’t go through strikes anyways and remove them.

Edit: Also there is always Crossed, without him the server would’ve gone to shit like 2 years ago already so if you really believe headmins are doing a shitjob (and they aren’t), then you may try messaging him.

Because after investigating the ban, we found that it didn’t apply. Looking into the actual context of things the ban wasn’t found to be applicable. It’s that simple. We do the same shit when we find that player bans aren’t applicable.

As for the rest of your post… My personal stance on admin punishments is pretty simple. If an admin does something minor that we’d note a player for, we reprimand them and make an internal note about it. If an admin breaches conduct, depending on the severity, it’ll either be an internal reprimand or a strike. If an admin does something provably ban-worthy then they’re dropped from the team and (potentially) banned.

So, I mean, if I have my way, no, admins can’t be job banned. They’d be removed from the team first.

Shouldn’t they have made an appeal then like everyone else?

Not really. It was a post investigation brought on by our usual process of reprimanding staff. Specifically, it was during our usual investigation and discussion that we found the ban to have been misapplied. If that wasn’t part of our usual procedure, then yeah, they’d probably have made a “normal” appeal.

How was it misapplied?

They didn’t do anything banworthy. Given the context, their actions were ultimately fine. It would have been preferable to have had a bit more roleplay in the mix, but they didn’t do anything deserving of a ban in that instance.

So security officers are free to kill people silently and without announcing it to the rest of security if they misjudge and think it’s valid?

You’re removing all of the context there. No, generally speaking, security officers are not free to silently kill people for no discernable reason.

However, if a security officer is responding to a distress call from another officer, during a confirmed lings round, on blue alert, and encounters someone (who had prior reports and was seen wielding the fire axe not too long ago) in that area wielding an arm-blade… Then yeah. It can be understandable that the officer might shoot first and ask questions later.

Was this the preferable action? No.
Was this a banworthy action? Also no.


Mmk, got it. I myself actually lacked half that context so thanks for filling that in. I only had the context from the now deleted ban so yeah. Thanks for finally swinging by and bringing more context to a thing that severely lacked any from all sides.

No problem.

I would have hoped by now that people would trust the fact that if we delete a ban it was because it was unduly applied, not because we’re trying to quietly sweep it under the rug. C’est la vie

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