Unfortunately its currently part of the policy that being admined during a round youâre playing in is bad, not exactly disallowed but highly frowned apon (as far as I know)
As such, most admins get forced to de-admin via configs when theyâre playing.
Unfortunately this usually results in either 1 admin online, or none that arent de-admined during the round.
I dont play much, just to keep an eye on things but Iâve recently started to play and it will auto-de-admin me when I play, and if there arent any admins shown as online I usually re-admin, even if its frowned apon.
The issue is the possibilty to metagame/use meta knowlege, gained as admin, either conciously or subconciously, during the round. Which is why being Admined during playing is frowned apon. Most admins wont risk getting told off for possible meta and demoted for breaking the rules.
Say for instance, youâre a head of staff, you re-admin as there isnt anyone else online.
You get a ticket about a guy getting beaten to death for seemingly no reason, so you go to the killers player panel, check if they are an antag, and they are. Then you check their objectives and lo and behold, youâre on their objectives list as a kill target.
You finish dealing with the ticket, and now, you might subconciously be more wary for the rest of the round, keeping an eye out for that specific person even if you dont actually mean to metagame.
We really need either shifts or something, or if an admin wants to play, make sure theres someone online that can cover tickets while they play.
The issue isnt lack of admins, its lack of admins taking care not to leave the server âadminlessâ when they play really.
All of this is my personal opinion on things though