If I remember correctly the cakehat makes quite the distinct sound when hitting someone.
Cakehatting someone more than once isn’t a:
melee fight a little bit.
It is straight up attempted murder. It should have done 60 damage.
That being said, a syringe gun has the potential to be a kill. A lawyer having a syringe gun is very suspicious, I would think even for LRP. This combined with the fact that they were just in combat with someone makes it reasonable to detain them using force, I would think. You don’t have the full context but the lawyer could have shot the naked guy previous to this or the lawyer could have been defending themselves.
However, Owen should have epi-penned them if they had to leave them while they were in crit to prevent their death. I also don’t think you should be warned or banned for forgetting to epi-pen them though, especially if they were only a little bit in crit.
My only question about this situation is where did the naked guy go after you crit the lawyer?
but the body was gone.
->Dead in medbay for rest of round
I’m assuming while Owen was looking for cuffs someone ran up and brought you to medbay.
In this case I do not think Owen is responsible for this death. You died and stayed dead because there were no doctors who wanted to heal you.
Admin PM from-Mat05usz: think about this as hilarious, not gonna stop ya, but you aren’t an antag and yet you attacked them base don one syringe shot
To be honest, these actions make sense, especially for LRP where as Owen said, you could be next. Especially considering how suspicious this was.
Before i go to sleep, i came to lrp to play, saw a ticket and decided to go with it. After like twenty or so minutes i thought it is an IC issue and resolved the ticket. First yes, I thought you overescalated but after you told me your POV i decided to no take any action and just resume the game. I boinked you to get an idea what you were thinking, because that’s how i operate.
Edit: If you think I am dense that’s fucking fine, but I wanna know EVERY side of the story, doesn’t matter if person included is an admin. That is why I was boinking you.
Mat already admitted and knows they were a little wrong by posting this. This is probably what they wish they would have done.
Unless I am missing more context Owen seems quite innocent here.
However I don’t think that is nearly enough for anything like a strike, just a minor mistake.
Also I don’t think Dallen9 did anything wrong, they just ahelped when they thought they were invalidly killed.