TL:DR: Admin rules conflict with written down IC AND OOC Rules and wiki, very confused newb.
I didn’t find a “how to make a complaint guide”, so sorry if this is formatted wrong.
In round 19905, I was following the guide for scientists to making bombs. I did try for several rounds before to get a good bomb, but never got very far. If you think I am lieing my ass off, please perma ban me if I ever made a successful max cap bomb before the one in round 19905.
I worked my ass off, doing everything wrong and testing 4 bombs until the 5th and last was made. I didn’t suspect or assume it to be a perfect bomb any more then i did with the last 20 or so attempts I fucked up.
The Head of Security showed up, I said hi and used the *wave, to which he answered by “5x HoSFires energy gun…” (Scienst-build-your-bomb-here-room for me, him outside) - he never talked to me or anyone - also, noone ever came in, nor did I ever leave the department.
I have to assume the AI send HoS to arrest me for making a max cap bomb (which the AI (~some might say a admin with extra information, because the AI didn’t care for the previous 4 bombs??) - which might be human harm. I wasn’t sure what was going on, as all I saw as a guy that came in, ignored talking attempts and blasted the shit out of me. So I pressed the bombs button to at least die in glory, knowing fully well I never made a single bomb bigger then 5 titles so far.
And it was a max cap, but before I ever saw that or was dead, I was hit with a “Admin whyiscaeciliustaken: ?” and I asked whats wrong he said “You made a max cap” to which i very confused and really not meaning to be a dick asked “Is making a bomb against ic or occ rules? I was following the wiki. I didn’T want to break any rules, can you tell me what I did wrong? Or show me how to it right next round?”
(Yes, littearly, that paethic, so curious to explore this game…)
To which i received “Banned 2 weeks” for maxcapping science.
Another admin even wrote in OOC afterswards “To be fair AI was trying to frame him” and some other players also clarifyied that whyiscaeciliustaken had made a weird call.
I used those last 2 weeks to play on more newbfriendly servers and I now know that the issue was obviously me blowing up a maxcap bomb - I really didn’t know, unless you expect someone to play 10+ rounds fucking up every bomb they try to then only do one thing: Kill themselves and the Adminsbuddy/admin who shot 5x rounds in a scientist following the guide to the letter.
So my question is:
Is making a Max cap as scientist, then being reported for that (max cap never left scienst, all previous bombvs where in test area, too) a real ic or ooc valid report or just grieifng supporter by whyiscaeciliustaken?