Absolute Crapola tier ideas thread

Also a 1 round server ban


Insanity Anomaly plays “All I want for Christmas is you”


Handheld items used to strike other things take damage from doing so.
Each thing has a hardness rating. The amount of damage is based on the difference in hardness.
So like, if you try to hit an R-wall with a banana, it just breaks the banana.

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You should be able to climb into the oven or put corpses in it similar to the cremation thing in the chapel but it takes longer and people can smell it


Each character has a table with races on one axis and genders on the other. You select which combinations they’re attracted to, like All moths, female lizards, and male humans.
Being around someone who is of the combinations you like gives you a positive moodlet. If they’re not clothed, then it’s an additional positive moodlet.

When you first join a round, you enter a character name. Your character is attracted to that character if they’re also present. Same benefits apply. Seeing them injured is a negative moodlet. Seeing them dead is insanity

Obsession will prioritize the people you’re attracted to.

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One of the clown mask choices is the Troll Face
Unlike every other wearable item in the game, it looks the same no matter which way your character is facing. It trolls “physics” itself


this guys never tried wearing a detective’s fedora

-Add rocks

-Lizards can now consume rocks


Lizards can now consume iron ore

and moths


Your character doesn’t automatically know how injured they are, only how bad they feel. These are separate things because some things that are causing damage aren’t actually causing pain. For example, lasers just cauterize the damaged area, so nerve sensations aren’t relayed. Getting a harmbaton to the groin doesn’t cause immediate damage (NT sterilizies all characters in order to eliminate maternity leave), but the pain is debilitating. If your character has a high enough dose of Oxycodone or the right surgery, they will happily fight until they’re a limbless nugget.

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New Monkey Types that can appear at random when you water monkey cubes.

  1. Green monkeys twice as strong and hit like a hulk with the added bonus they eat anything without getting ever full.
  2. Grey monkeys can only spawn in maints and break any windows, grille and door they see and their power is being space proof and shock proof so they won’t take any damage from space and shock.
  3. Red monkeys attack any antag they see even if are well hidden and preform a self cloning power that makes more of them but this only happens if they attack an antag and what counts as an antag are Sec, Command and anything listed as an antag in the wiki.
  4. blue monkeys can teleport and have a endless bag of storage so they will store anything they can grab and are able to grab three times faster the items from others then a normal monkey with the added bonus they have the run away AI when attacked and sorta behave like a NPC morph eating everything.
  5. Blood Monkey is a rarer type but they have access to cult stun and if they get gibbed the one who gibbed them becomes a blood cultist.
  6. Carp Monkeys are monkeys that share the carp faction and are space proof so they will likely dwell in solars and they will nibble cables like mice do.
  7. Zombie Monkeys don’t spawn naturaly but they spawn when they get infected with remoral zombie virus so they act like NPC zombies but are super fast.
  8. Troll Monkey when attacked will spam the classic assci art of troll face in chat over and over till you die or till you kill it and the added bonus it has loud comms so everybody can see le troll face.
  9. The Silver Monkey when killed and gibbed they drop a syndie super random crate upon death.
  10. The rarest of the monkeys is the GOLDEN MONKEY they are twice as fast in everything and wield a supermatter sword that they can’t drop and wear monkey shoes but when killed the one who gibbed the creature gains sandbox mode powers and in the comms it will say “BEE GOLDEN HAS RETURNED PRAISE THE “character name” FOR BRINGING THE GOLDEN DAYS BACK!!!” in of cource Nar-Sie summon sized letters.

Reverse operatives
Idea for an admibus round.
4 Cencon officials that are very incompetent interns are sent to the station, they carry some syndicate items such as gloves and cigars and that tall cake, and they ask to inspect the nuclear disc. If the crew kill them Cencon takes it as an act of rebellion and announce they will send a dead squat. Then an actual nuclear operatives are sent to help the incoming assault.


Bad ideas only. The Admin should be an intern using centcom items and some syndicate gear and if he’s executed for impersonating a CC officer, when they realize that wasn’t a chameleon cloak he was actually CC, the admin should spawn in custom CC equipped Nukeops.


This is a great idea actually


Change traitor Telecrystal amount from 20 to 40


TC amount is random, 1d20+20.
That surely will cause no salt for players who have to “make do” with 21 when they see people who got 40.


You should be able to buy tc in game with beebucks, of you’re ever low just buy more.
Because of the increased use for beebucks, you will now be able to buy 1000 beebucks for just 9.99€


Emag the Botany Disk compartmentalizer and it’ll hold the Nuclear Disk and the disk locator won’t know where it is.
Just another funny thing.


emag toilet beep beep yes yes

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If you emag the toilet, it becomes a Skibbidi toilet.