About the current sec situation

Just dont let antags preemptively wipe sec teams without being allowed to murderbone in general (what i mean by this only let people with a bone pass preemptively wipe sec the rest shouldn’t)


As someone who mains sec, I only really play the detective or warden. I’ve done HOS a few times and had too many issues with the rest of sec and the pressure to play it anymore, officers are sometimes fun but your round can quickly end near the beginning of the round and then no one bothers looking for you. Haven’t played since may so I haven’t seen how low the sec play count is per round but it was already getting low months earlier. Would have times I would be the warden, a detective, and Magen one officer round start.

Luckily I’ll have a few weeks of break and be back in civilization soon so I’ll be the lone warden again soon.


Looking forward to seeing you in game then


Holy shit I thought I was the only person who noticed this because no one mentions how certain people get brainwashed EVERY SINGLE ROUND, and they don’t even resist when they get abducted, like they seem to go out of their way to get caught.

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Security is just a boring and unfun job, in my opinion. I don’t feel like people enjoy ruining an antag’s round. Another theory I have as to why it’s boring is because, if the round isn’t dynamic, the shift is probably just kill a few lings/traitors and then evac lmao

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For all the people complaining about round removal as security, read this helpful guide someone made.
Don’t go one on one with a geared up gamer, be prepared for the situation at hand but don’t powergame, and talk with your fellow redshirts.


This thread is making me want to play as my plasmaman officer/dep


Do it, playing as a plasmeme officer isn’t even that hard since it forces you to be more cautious and aware. Whenever I play security, I’m a plasmaman and I can count on one hand the times I’ve been round removed.


This 10000% Yesterday i had an incident which i had to ahelp: A funny xenobio antag decided to wordlessly teleport ALL of sec including a random lawyer? into the SM via an extract, i was the only one dusted but rest of sec was irradiated, puking, bald and even the innocent Lawyer had to cryo because… that was enough

But, even if the player got a talk from the Admin it was still within the rules since ‘‘sec is a fair game’’

Leaving the issue with that bullshit xenobio extract aside, that type of wordless, no roleplay killing didn’t fall into ‘‘collateral’’ damage and it was absolutely bullshit, that was no fun for anyone besides the antagonist 5 seconds of dopamine saying ‘‘damn i’m so cool’’

While we have a rules that says an antagonist can’t maxcap brig ‘‘just to pre-emtively take sec’’ we still have scenarios like this that shouldn’t be allowed. Sure you can take the officer who’s guarding the department where your target is but i still don’t understand why that type of wordless murderbone against sec is still valid specially now that with the new SoP i’m okay with letting antags walk free once their timer and contraband is secured instead of the old meta of ‘’ Sorry you’re EOTC, enjoy d-chat’’ I believe antagonist should have an equivalent of upgraded rules so we can’t prevent wordless roleplay like the one i described.

I’m not saying we need a combat indicator between antags and secs but at the very least we should prevent stuff like that to fall into ‘‘fair game’’ considering now that sec doesn’t round remove as much as pre-new space law/sop


I mean to be fair if you do that, you’re really eliminating all threat that you should be encountering in the game, unless someone decides to validhunt for you


I really think that antags should have their conduct policy reviewed because like i think the whole “antagonists can just ignore every single rule” nonsense is kinda dumb and just ruins the game for everyone else, like even if i got one line from someone before they killed me or even any indication that would be fine with me, but what happens is you just get killed immediately then the antagonist doesn’t interact with anyone for the rest of the round.

Like people will rush their targets when they’re like station engineers and shit and stop the engine from getting setup and ruin the game for everyone playing, or having the dumb clause where everyone in the department is fair game so you can just bomb a whole department and it’s not against any rule at all.


when there are too many officers the antags dont do jack or are caught so easily that most officers just cryo since there is nothing interesting to do. (rarely do you see sec fail when its full)

then there is the fact that as sec you cant do any other jobs than sit around and watch for antags and crime. No experimenting with stuff in science or building something crazy as engi not even trying to cook the funny foods as chef or make cool plants as a botanist not to mention no medical shenanigance or starting a cult as chaplain.

Sec has no freedom really to move beyond their job in any capacity.


What if the destignated babysitter role was allowed to have a little fun.


The thing is, think about it from the other player perspective:

Let’s say you’re literally hanging out in the Bar, you see a scientis touch you with a green extract and runs away ‘‘okay strange’’ but you keep chit-chatting or doing whatever, moments later you’re teleported into the SM, no counterplay, no roleplay, not even a chance to fightback, you mistep and you get dusted and if not you get fully irradiated( or even reduced to crisp if they’re running a different SM setup) and it’s a high chance of being completely round removed (if i were shot in maint and overwhelmed by the tot using gear, that’s fair at least i have a chance to continue)

Yeah, sure, by the rules you’re ‘’‘pre emptively taking all of sec’’ but as i said, that has ZERO roleplay, zero emotion, it’s just almost like a 1 tap win for funny dopamine and one step closer to secure le epic greentext

Antagonist shouldn’t be taking those cheap options, that’s why removing them are a priority (but since this is xenobio it’s for another thread) At the very least, they should not be going around wordlessly killing wth a high chance of letting the security party to not come back.


Maybe get better at the game.

Or get better at handling emotions after losing the game.


didn’t know that extract existed and now i am going to use it to trap members of security into elaborate saw traps, you have doomed yourself secman


No incentive for antags to rp, they get “go get random item xd” objectives.

Only rp I ever had as antag was without any objectives and doing my own stuff,
building a restaurant and selling Soylent green to unsuspecting people was pretty shwavy

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all the best antag moments are the ones where the antag ignored objectives and greentext to do their own gimmick and I encourage you and everyone else to at least try sometimes. That isn’t a guarantee to make a fun antag round for you and sec but it’s sure as hell gonna end up better than stealing one item with no evidence , ignoring gimmick objective (very nice addition that people got pissed over because it ruined “muh greentext”) and riding the shuttle home for beecoins and bragging rights. It’s up to the player to make the choice to roleplay which dooms us all from the start because the one thing beestation players hate more than vitamin D is doing roleplay on a roleplay server unprompted


When i played sec i found plenty to do when things were calm, id patrol and interact with everyone. I had plenty of times where a mime would “mug me” or “assault” me and id play along and pretend arrest them and then sentence them to random stuff, like my favorite you are sentenced to ONE bad pun (truly a fate worse than brig) i never had the problem of “nothing to do” i made things to do by RPing in the bar or with that person being disruptive etc

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Personally I think all the complaints of antags not roleplaying with security are funny because when you try to roleplay as an antag and do a gimmick, you immediately get arrested by security regardless. I’ve tried roleplaying as antagonists with a security officer at least twenty times, only one time was successful.

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