1000~ Hours player, several weeks ban and thus. Instead of a un-ban appeal, a post instead about this bullshit ban

Let me make it clear that most people and some Admins are obviously fun and great to play with. But oh boy is there some obvious bullshit going on. I have 1000 hours on Bee in general, or roughly around that. Getting banned AGAIN because some Admin named brother_hangyul can’t seem to read or understand basic sillicon laws.

Aside the bans being the most random thing ever here, let me make it clear this isn’t some kind of “un-ban” application since there is honest to god no point to do so anymore after this last ban.

As i explained in Ahelps, this same shitter i ahelped and talked about before who never gets punished starts accusing me of being a nukie because “engi borg in space, must be nukies” while i was just doing solars. Said guy turns around, follows me with a item in his hand. Everyone knows the spastic movement people do when they spam click a tile to try and hit something. Never saw what it was, it usually is a flash or emagg. I tell sec to search said person for a POTENTIAL emagg and apparently that is breaking my laws because he MIGHT BE HURT as a result. Which apparently according to the Admin stamina damage is now also against Silicon laws. Rip secborgs i guess? Anyway, something that was never an issue suddenly became one. In my ahelps i stated this said person was a known shitter, never got punished anytime i ahelped when he would force me to deconstruct anything i made, then convince sec and the crew AI was malf because i didn’t want to deconstruct the things i spent a lot of time on. Because trying to rescue people dying over deconstructing a nice lobby i made makes me malf Apparently, ahelped these issues before. Only answered once and ignored the rest. Either way, i explained how much of a shitter this person was in general. It had whatsoever no correlation in regards to yelling at security because of him, a debtor following me in space clicking near me with something in his hand. It was literally to point out he was a shitty person who does that shit often. I (which could be understood as metagrudge easily) said in ahelps clearly something along the lines of, if that said shitter gets nothing done about what he does and keeps doing over and over, i gotta fight fire with fire right? And if he chases me in space like i said and does all that which i described. I am within my silicon laws allowed to shout that over to security to search. But before i could explain anything in general it was just a quick ban abruptly cut off mid-sentence.

Fucking metagrudge though, from someone with nearly if not over 1k hours on bee. Barely any bans or notes and that spends plenty of time helping new players teaching botany, basic movements. How doctor stuff works or anything like it. Basically whatever help is needed. Going as far like yesterday from stopping random absolute degens just critting obvious new players and ahelping for them instead.

Being either misunderstood or accused of something so petty when if i really wanted to metagrudge i could’ve done so in plenty of different ways with way WAAAY better results. But this is the state it has come to. First being banned then unbanned over something not defined in the rules to the point i had to spend several days getting it fixed on the forums /again/. Ahelped 1345345 times over being accused breaking rules when if logs were checked first, many of my rounds wouldn’t be ruined and instead the proper people get talked at. And now without me getting a chance to even respond properly in ahelps over being accused of metagrudge i get that “Lol nope get banned” and thrown out.

In the end, i simply do not care anymore. If another admin once more simply cannot hold a conversation without cutting it off halfway to ban someone over something he clearly misunderstood. Someone with that much playtime and that is always willing to teach / help new people. Then fuck that bullshit. People who plasmaflood on purpose and act stupid like “O- Oh? I couldn’t do that?! My bad homie.” get shorter bans.

But by god, if you so much as say something that can be misunderstood and is even close to a admission of metagrudge despite it not being the case at all. Which if it was, a very very useless one. Then whew, get cut off. Banned and thrown away in the trash for a few weeks.

Helped clear and specify certain rules before several times? Veteran player with 1000~ hours, very minor notes, unjust bans and only one actual ban in the past over a genuine mistake? Offering to help, show new people how things work when asked?

Doesn’t matter, at all. Few weeks banned over something so petty and minor that i couldn’t even get the time for to explain properly in ahelps that it is in no way metagrudge. And the reason this is not in the unban appeal section is because as stated, simply do not care anymore. People with a high ban record, tons of notes and all that get treated equally if not better in stupid situations like these. Absolutely bullshit. Felt like posting in general about this because my pizza rolls ain’t done yet.

Veterancy does not = free pass from bans.

Yes, you’re experienced.

No, you don’t get to be immune to punishment.

The ban is 3 weeks long, that’s the average time for metagrudge.


I was in this round and yes the clown was very suspiciously following the engi borg and AI told us over command channel to check him for a potential emag I don’t really see how this is a ban unless I’m missing something

No no, this was during a different round. Said person was a Debtor in space who decided to chase me shortly after accusing me of being a nukie borg


The OP (original poster) had past notes of being a potential metagrudger against (won’t say name for privacy), the debtor was just following the borg around when the borg started claiming he had an emag and for sec to set him to arrest with no proof, his only evidence being “He was following me”. This, paired with the aforementioned note, caused both me and ruko to agree it was probably a metagrudge.

I can quite easily say with ease that i have never metagrudged before. You didn’t even ask the right questions or were blunt with them, you made up new Silicon laws that Stamina damage somehow goes against crewsimov laws. I would very, very much hear and try to understand why there are hidden notes about things like that which are not true in the slightest. Or that i was never questioned about before. Why the fuck would i go out of my way to metagrudge someone in the form of doing something that would have quite literally next to no impact. Plenty of shifts in a row helping people and suddenly i decide to metagrudge in the most petty way?

You assumed wrong things, and before i could give a proper response you end up banning me. How you can’t see how this is bullshit in any sort of way is beyond me, is having a normal conversation and asking the right questions as a Trialmin unheard of or is that just me?

I never said stamina damage was against silicon laws, I said false claims could result in harm from sec.

I asked why you did it, you gave me an answer which made no sense and then I told you a multitude of ways it was bad.

If you can give a proper response, make an appeal. Making a peanut thread doesn’t help your cause at all.

I’m done here. You can keep talking, but you won’t hear from me unless you make an actual appeal.

I posted it here because it already makes no sense. I responded to you properly and asked word for word how me telling sec to search someone for a baddie item would cause me to break my laws. You responded with " WELL, POTENTIAL STAMINA DAMAGE WOULD HAPPEN AND EVEN MORE ACTUAL HARM AFTER "

You can hide and ignore all you want. Doesn’t matter. I explained in detail what happened and making an un-ban appeal over what seems to be some hasty Trialmin fucking up again isn’t worth it. Here is a future tip, try to spend more than 5 minutes looking into a situation that deems worthy of several weeks bans.

When asked why and examples on anything, once more during an Ahelp they ignored and abruptly shut it down without a proper answer.

Funny how you get asked to help new people out around here, go out of your way to do so several times. But when it comes to a possible misunderstanding, the trigger gets pulled in a heartbeat without looking twice. The only thing that is confirmed from all this, you are not allowed to report anything to security over what was the most suspicious bullshit ever. Because apparently that is metagrudge.

Thinking the best thing a veteran ss13 player can come up with to metagrudge someone by reporting someone to sec over something suspicious is a joke and a half. God forbid you admit to any wrongdoing though.

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idk if i can read all dat but u bring up a valid point. there are many instances i believe (been part of some) where the player just knows A LOT more than the admin and that seems to not matter.

but if u got 1k hours and ur leaving over this i don’t get it. this is just bound to happen w how admins are ‘added to the team’ on bee

Because lately i have been getting ahelped a lot about things i never did. I have to sit in a corner explaining in detail why it wasn’t me. Then getting unjustly banned and having to spend time and effort on getting that fixed (Which in the end it did, and got more unbans and notes removed)

But it went from peaceful playing to suddenly being ahelped by trialmins a lot about things i didn’t do. Getting notes piled up over things i never got ahelped about or did in general. And now this, they somehow think i actually did the most petty metagrudge ever. Could’ve done a thousand things, but nope. 1k hour player decided to metagrudge over something so incredibly petty and got a 3 week ban.

If it has come to this, then damn. I remember that some admin told me time played and note history get taken into account.

Now i am at a point where bans get handed out like candy by trialmins, hidden notes over things i never got questioned about even once. And all the effort and times i offered to help out gets 100% ignored. There is plenty of more but i would be typing the entire day.

well if you want to appeal then dont be such a baby and make one.
If you want to complain about admins/trialmins go ahead too why not, remember though that they arent really getting much from being admeme on ss13, they are trying to make the community better and you getting asked to explain yourself is not really coming from evil intent or them trying to be a dick


I beg to differ. Being an admin not only gives you a higher position in community it also opens a lot of powerful options like…administrating the game. You can pretty much judge people to your liking, interfere with the game as you want and generaly having a huge power trip ( sumter and yorii spawning shit and busing a lot, albert literally spawning nuke gear for himself).

Did you even read the post? What? I was in the middle of talking with said Trialmin in ahelps and it got out of nowhere closed by being banned. So far, both there and here i simply CANNOT understand why the fuck i would get banned over something straight up not true.

I ask anyone, anyone at all what i could have gained from my hardcore metagrudge which was “Reporting someone to security for being shady as fuck” as a silicon. If i wanted to get unbanned i would’ve made an appeal, which i did for previous bullshit bans and notes.

My point about this post is just to point out the sheer stupid fucking way of handling things. Same small group of people constantly breaking obvious rules while being fully aware of it? Tons of short bans, quite often just a “warning” as well. One person who very clearly had no intent to metagrudge at all with the only evidence being “A hidden note from the past we never discussed with you about some potential metagrudge happening”

I care enough to make a post here and discuss these types of situations which happen quite often, not enough to make an appeal to be unbanned. Even more so when a lot of this bullshit is happening lately.

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Ok but it’s clear you’re VERY focused on THIS issue. its warping ur perspective

Calm the fuck down dude. Appeal or STFU about this

Exactly. It is built up stupidity that instead of making an appeal again and again, i would rather just post it here. I get that shit happens, no one is out to cause issues and other stuff like it on purpose. Even the Trialmin that banned me didn’t have a “evil” intention or whatever.

Just happened one too many times lately, to put things in a clear quick picture:

My first ban from a year ago was a genuine mistake at the time, second ban got removed because it was unjust. Latest ban for weeks over something at the VERY least a misunderstanding.

Look at those ban lengths. Has a massive note history, tons of bans and list goes on. Same goes for some other known people. It makes no fucking sense around here in the slightest.

Exactly my point. “VERY BLATANT METAGRUDGE” 3 days ban.

What a fucking joke.

Difference being I had about a week in the game at that point. There’s also context that’s not in the note, which is why you can’t just dig up notes to shit on other people

stop being so toxic jesus he’s upset he got banned from spaceman game for a petty reason with a weirdly long ban time

Toxic? I’m not the one spamming a peanut thread just because they can’t be assed to appeal properly