In-game misconduct:
Title:Zeskorion Admin Report
Your Discord:Lourendril
Offender’s CKEY:Zeskorion
LRP or MRP server:MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):24/02/2020
Round Number:12857
Rules Broken (if relevant):
Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant):
Incident Description: During round 12856 that was first forced extended round there was free golem spawners. About 1:20'ish minute in the game, one of the golem self antagged and gave golem AI grief laws. Station declared war on the golems. War happened. Server crashed. Nobody was banned for that.
Now, the server crushed and there happens to be another free golem spawner, on another extended round. And then round start Zeskorion decided to eliminate golem disk, forcefully preventing the golems from making any more golems that obviously led to preventing any ghost to re-entering the round, the golems to respawn as new one if killed and preventing golems from achieving any good long-term goal, as top 4 golems is simply not enough manpower.
In short, golems is kill.
I ahelped, asking and looking for a reason in this decision. The answer I received was more or less that for his forced extended round the round was " derailed due to free golems". For me, it’s nothing more than saying in different words that the " Muh extended round didn’t went the way i wanted to". Weren’t players supposed to create something by themselves during the extended? It was crew choice to go to war due to one golem self-antagging. For that statement, the answer was ready too, now in direct quoting of the former and latter answers.
“All it’s prevents is growing golems in a large number. 2 last rounds were derailed because of free golems”
" more people make antagging more likely. This is what happens when golems mass produce shells"
After getting. the second answer, the ticket was closed
Maybe because you don’t want to people do something else on extended round it doesn’t mean that the players don’t want to. One person Self Antag is not a reason to Group Punish a Bunch of Players, just because you didn’t like that development. It wasn’t random extended nor it was a choice of the players to play the extended, which is your right as admin to do, but why you are restricting people possibilities to have fun?
Of course, I can see clearly that I’m very biased here, so, I wrote this report more or less to understand the reasoning more, the other people opinion as well, since i don’t think and feel that it was very proper.
Additional Information:
Worth mentioning might be that the round before the (s)extended was a wiz round with also free golems. Due to wiz being wiz he died very fast so one of the free golems became changeling and directed his brothers and mecha-friends to fight with rude station that forcefully tried to link free golems borgs to their own AI, which lead to the ling golem killing the nasty AI and Some shitsec invading golem ship and dying.