Yeetmisters Admin applicatiob

im trying to make your guys name better. not worse I don’t like the current admins so why whould I sabotage and get banned

I’ve asked one of the servers about your admin conduct. I’ll see how they respond, post it in admin chat, and we’ll probably go from there.

what do you mean one of the servers

I asked one of the servers (mineplex) about your admin conduct. Assuming your serious, which we are told to do, I’ll see what they say.

yeetmister isn’t even my name in Minecraft I was and admin when I was like 16

if you want a more recent admin try gmod Nazi roleplay by wolf , im serious not ironic

it is a fun server I don’t want it to be seen as shitpost

Nevermind. I’m not booting up gmod to join a nazi server to ask about you.

lmao. but seriously I actually want to help the server

The admins are only a few and for the most part sucky. I only play on this server so why not fix it???

keep this man as far away from admin as physically possible please

good grief

that’s called 2 am

good grief, is he 10?

holy shit this is some deep satire/shitpost, i do not to belive this is an actual post, posts 3 minutes apart, holy shit

you where litearly just banned

and I play on lrp cause im not a gay mrper

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this is why don’t play on LRP, it’s literally got people from a Nazi Gmod RP server on it

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you probably get mad for someone pushing you

No. - xly
no - piterskiy
No. - Lagomorphica
No, but fancier. - Bass