Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report xyzzium
Your Discord:same
Offender’s CKEY:xyzzium
LRP or MRP server:MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Ada something
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):1/2/2020
Round Number:12080
Rules Broken:metagrudging and being a slut
Incident Description: after doing Sm and being irradiated they got upset cause I irradiated them, later I was injured and sought medical aid
She denied me aid and attacked me putting me in crit
After someone saved me, I doped her up and was going to carry her to engie, someone took her away
She died for some reason, probably OD
I then turn off cloning cause there’s a power cut
I then watch her get cloned
Fast forward to later, I come back to med where I’m attacked and killed, she cuts my brain out and tries to deep fry my brain begging chef to do it
Additional Information:despite seeing her cry about MRP is treated like LRP I’d say she treats it as such
You realized I watched everything you did as a ghost, right? And I even viewed the APC when you tried to lie to the med staff and say “there’s not enough power.”
The OOC logs will show you saying blatantly that you were metagrudging, including “time to metagrudge.” You also said at least once “I wanted to OD you” when I OOC’d that 30u is enough to OD.
And why the actual fuck were you carrying my corpse to engineering? Were you going to revive me there? It doesn’t add up.
You are a literal griefer and you think you’re going to get away with it just because you made a report before I did, and that’s not fucking okay.
Round after this the dude kept stalking me on green shift, knocking on my windows and being a fucking creep. I changed my character name but didn’t change my sprite enough.
You’re the creep banned for asking for nudes and shit and being weird on discord.
Also you run around as a half naked felinid captain and get robusted 3 times a round.
Cringe unMRP behaviour
Edit: Holy shit you were literally trying to pressure a schizophrenic lesbian in a relationship with mental problems into sending you nudes and dating you, while talking about your depression and suicidal thoughts . Get this batshit crazy ERP magnet out
Edit 2:
Mission accomplished?