CKEY: Ziagfu
Your Discord: Dragon Blooded
Offender’s CKEY: XtremeSavageXD
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Solomon 'Hellfire' Martin
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 3-18-2020
Round Number: 13600
Rules Broken: Rule 7: Murdered without Hijack Objective or Allied Hijack Objective syndicate
Incident Description: Round ID 13600, XtremeSavageXD as Solomon ‘Hellfire’ Martin murderboned using a subverted a.i. without hijack objective. He did this due to me telling him as a fellow Syndicate at round start that I had Hijack objective. When the shuttle was near, he had me killed via his subverted borgs purposely despite me telling him the person he was currently killing was me. He didn’t even go do his own objective which was to get a supermatter sliver.
Additional Information: Had he left me alive, his murderbone via subverted A.I. would have been validated, but instead he actively had me killed via door crushing before continuing his murdering spree via robotic commands and emagging a sec borg to kill any crew it could find. When confronted with it after round ended and he had died he stated ‘At least my kill count was high’ and did think that he would receive any punishment for a clear violation of the rules. Should have left me alive so his murdering spree would have been validated. IMO, he should be either Antag banned, or MRP banned for the duration of any bans this incurs.
First off, I was never informed of your objectives, they can check the logs for that, secondly, I never told the AI or borgs to kill you in particular, thirdly, I did get a sliver and almost escaped, fourthly and finally, I said the line “at least my kill count was high” in response to getting killed in the final minute of the round. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you can clap now.
I was HoS in this round and I saw him literally tell the AI to murder EVERYBODY. Then I saw no hijack objective.
Also, I’d like to point out the metagrudge by Solomon on the very next shift. He ion rofled Xarnata repeatedly, which also caught me in the blast and discharged my laser guns and overloaded my flash, in a war ops round.
First off: That’s still against rule 7 to murder people if you have no allies or no murder objectives.
Secondly: “Its me. Stop it’s me” repeatedly while you were riding the back of the medical cyborg both in local and on comms? Not preventing it? Yeah, that’s intentionally having me killed. Also, the you not havign done your objective was in additional information NOT in the report itself. Get good scrub, read the antag conduct, welcome to MRP that is all.
bruh don’t even get me started on how this is Ick Ook when the round is still on, and not my fault if your in my damn way when i shoot the rifle at the syndies
His behavior is not fit for MRP, simply put as shown both In game and now on the forums. I hope you find fun in LRP, or take some time to chill your jets.
This happened before I called you a shit RD for precisely the actions you pulled, firing an ION RIFLE at the HoP line that nearly took out the ID console.
Look mate I get it, your pissed becasue you died to a borg when I could have saved you. Trust me, I know how it feels. But, you had two chances to try and ally/tell me your OBJ, and you didn’t. I never singled you out or the other traitor I had contact with. My OBJ was to escape with a SM Shard alive and not in custody. I prevented Sec or other crewmembers who could have tried to kill or put me in custody from doing so by telling the AI to kill them. You also have 2 false statements in your report. As I have said previously, you never told me your OBJ’s. Secondly, I did not tell the AI your name or anything about you. As for the accusation I allowed your death, I was quite busy at the time, and to be honest was not focused on a person screaming help me when I myself was trying to stay alive. If it helps at all, I apologize for your death and possible ruined round. I am not a shitter. I just wanted to win, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So you’re telling me you didn’t see me set a piece of paper on the table, have you read it before I left HoP counter and watched you TOSS IT BACK BEHIND YOU saying I needed to ‘get hi and jacked’, and didn’t get that when me and the other syndicate operative that had met in the bar didn’t get it in your mind that A: not to attack the syndicate operative that gave you the murderbone pass. or B: that you intentionally murderboned without a murderbone objective. So tell me, which is it? Are you admitting to violating Rule 7, or trying to deny that you violated rule 7 and then immediately violating rule 10 by metagrunging in the next round?
Mate I don’t know if your joking but leaving a piece of paper that says I need to get hi and jacked isnt exactly a great clue. Secondly, I don’t understand what you mean by a “murderbone” pass. I did not murderbone. I prevented anyone, including sec or some vigilante crew member from killing me by telling the AI to eliminate them. Thirdly, when I fired the Ion gun, i didn’t even see you or aim for you, so please, tell me how that is a metagrudge
I’m pretty sure that telling someone else who has no choice but to obey, such as subverted a.i, summoned golems, spider swarms, etc… all fall on the person who created/subverted. All those kills, the plasma flooding? That’s on you, XtremeSavageXD. And the murderbone pass, that was revoked when you killed me. No one else was after you, the people who you had murdered weren’t even aware of you being antag ever since HoS got killed. The guy in the ripley didn’t even bother you or the borg. The chaplain in the chapel? he wasn’t around you. You cannot pre-emptivly kill ANYONE except security if one of them was onto you. Sec was valid, but come the fuck on, that’s the shittiest excuse I’ve ever heard to murderbone EVERYONE ‘Oh I’m sure one would have done something.’
Normally I would issue a ban for this, but they’ve already been permanently banned from MRP now. I left a note on record in case that ban gets overturned though