Wrill noted by ro5490

CKEY: wrill

Admin’s CKEY: ro5490

Note Date (YYYY/MM/DD/): 2022/07/09

Note Reason: Released un-neutered Kudzu on lavaland as a lifebringer, causing the entireity of LL to be covered in highly dangerous Kudzu, asked not to do this again.

Appeal Reason: I have been told that releasing kudzu on lavaland as a lifebringer without going out of my way to harm the station is considered fine-ish, and that is exactly what happened when I was given this note. I simply planted kudzu around lavaland and did not go out of my way to harm anyone or damage the mining base, so I would like the note and context to be looked at again.

Additional Information: Yeah, it’s a 7 month old note, but I am going to respect the note and not plant kudzu on lavaland for as long as it remains.


After having a few converstations with the other staff members on this topic, essentially as long as it wasnt done to intentionally ruin other peoples rounds, or used in a hostile manner or similar, then its fine.

Probably best to neuter it though, I could be wrong but from what I vaugely remember you can tweak it so it doesnt mutate insanely fast, or spread super far.

Appeal Accepted