Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Self-requested server Perma-ban, this is unappealable ban. Thanks for playing on the server!
Appeal Reason:
I would like to play beestation.
Additional Information:
I have nothing to lose (this is essentially rock bottom) and a lot to gain by at least trying to appeal. It’s worth a shot, even if I get denied again.
edit: I can get a vouch if so desired. Same as before. edit edit: to clarify, I can get a vouch from another server’s admins.
I will vouch for Wrill’s behavior and character.
You good?
Same as above, if this helps - I’m vouching for his gimmicks and general behaviour in community.
Sorry if the wording sounded concerning. I mean that the only way for this to get worse is a total community removal which I don’t expect to happen. I stand to lose nothing from repeatedly trying to appeal, because the only worse punishment is completely removing me.
Essentially, what’s the worst that could happen? Might as well try.
Didn’t you get caught as an edge case? you requested a permaban right around the time the policy on requested bans was changed.
A case could be made there was extenuating circumstances.
I requested it a few days after the change, I believe. I was completely aware of the change when I requested a ban.
I think ultimately my opinion won’t matter much as this will have to be a higher-min decision to let you back in
I think the original reasons why the change in policy was made (mostly to prevent admins from having to keep track of and constantly remove requested bans when they could be dealing with bigger issues) is valid but ready for a update. I respect requesting the ban, I’ve talked about before on the forums about my legit addiction to the game and how it negatively effected my mental health and life. I had considered doing self requested bans back then, and would’ve really been distraught if I wasn’t able to play on Bee again. I’d support letting you back in, and changing the policy to make a requested ban be a two step thing.
The first ban would be a unappealable year long ban, long enough to where people would hesitate before making the request BUT long enough that people don’t have to deal with never playing on a great server after they do what they need to do in real life to cause them to request a ban. A second request would be a perma one.
Or just have it be a real one year ban, not perma, just one year. No appeal needed and probably repeatable because it is so easy and wouldn’t require much maintenance from the admins.
“Want a ban? ok lol banned”