Winter Darkraven Staff Feedback Thread

This is the feedback thread for our Administrator @Velvet

Please provide your thoughts about how they perform.

This is not the place for ban appeals or player reports but you can mention specific events and how they handled it given you don’t try to change the outcome of the case.

You are expected to keep a somewhat formal tone and give constructive criticism. Insults will not be tolerated.

an admin I could trust with my house keys

Promising admin, seems like the kind that would do events if he could.


Very personable staff member, and has handled my one (1) issue with relative ease. Interactive with the players ICly as Central Command and seems to just be an all around alright person. Kudos to you, Velvet!

Turns anyone that prays into a catgirl. This is my only criticism even though it is allowed for an admin to adminbus those who pray.


All prayers make you liable to adminbus so i think this is a plus for him.

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I already said that. Also how is that a plus.


that’s just cringe


Terrible ban appeal handling, after a 10 day wait, this dude had the smugness to say just “No.”, not even the usual “Get a vouch first” or an apology for the wait.


She/he didn’t even set the tag to accepted or declined as is necessary with a ban appeal.



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see now this is why i was so pissed off as to how my admin application was handled. on my application, velvet very clearly stated that how i type was the reason for their downvote, saying that “it’s not the look we want for staff”.

so is this is the look you guys are going for? i say “you guys” bc there are observably multiple admins who from time-to-time respond to players like this. although i wouldn’t fault a staff member just for being hostile towards a venomous (or plain ignorant) player/playerbase, i would fault a staff member when they’re insinuating that i have problems with professionalism while they’re acting like this … it makes no sense.

i was not unprofessional to the extent that admins have claimed. it was dishonest of you to corroborate that. a -1 vote without the commentary would’ve been fine.


>Makes an “event”
>Sets round to clown ops
>Be warden, entire sec is getting ready for clown ops
>Be the literally only one person to get gibbed for metaing
>Announcement is then made to not meta
>Ahelp, it gets insta rejected
>Clown declare war ops anyways
>Get ahelp banned when asking him that it was only me who got gibbed

I’m not arguing “others did it, I shouldn’t be ‘punished’”, I’m saying “You singled me out exclusively and THEN issued a warning to everyone”


Has probably the worst ban documentation of all bee admins. He often does not mention what rule got violated, the event that led to the ban, et cetera.

He is online a lot on Golden though, which is nice.


Whilst responsive to prayers, not at all interesting.


banned for ERP, very cringe, would not recommend, luckily mostly plays LRP


Closed some persons ban appeal and didn’t even respond to the plethora of replies to it. (Here is the appeal )


Has a habit of handling ban appeals poorly.


Never personally had fun with the player in the game. They were always the sort of person to go about ruining your enjoyment of the round just because they could. As a result, pretty glad they’re mainly on LRP.