WilsonPH Moderater report

In-game misconduct: WilsonPH

CKEY: Basicguy20

Your Discord: garfielf#5658

Offender’s CKEY: WilsonPH

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): (Unknown), likey a ghost.

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 1/7/2023

Round Number: 42154

Rules Broken (if relevant): 7

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): 7 (is the closet I would think)

Incident Description:

During a round where I got a chainsaw hand implanted as HoP, WilsonPH assumed that in bad faith, I would use the handsaw attachment for bad purposes and I think this is ridiculous. In my my context, there were at least five other people who had a chainsaw arm attachment so I was doing it out of peer pressure to fit in with my comrades in the fighting arm. I did THIS under the assumption it would win me more trust my underlings as a HoP (which is what I was though to do as as one) This is WHEN I was singled out by WilsonPH and despite doing my job, I was still being bwoinked by the admin to the point where I was frustrated enough to make this post, On top on that, I was given a HARSH note which is the most infuriating part of this whole affair, I NEVER had any intention to harm ANYONE but I’m being assumed as guilty of crimes I did not commit. Even WHEN I was antag, I would most of the times surrender because creating interesting RP situations was more of my focus than just getting a greentext.

Additional Information: I really just want the harsh note removed since I’ve consistently been ineffective about violence and I don’t know why I would assumed to be a violent serial murder, Just doesn’t make sense.

Hey, FYI, wait untill the round ends untill making a report about it.

We hold command staff to a much higher standard than normal roles. You should have been seeking to discourage crew from getting chainsaw arms as this is rather dangerous and could pose a real threat to the crew. What was the prompt that led to everyone getting chainsaws to begin with?

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Also if this is the case this should be under ban appeals, that is where you go to get notes lifted/altered

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Dude I don’t know since most of the chainsaw arm people were from science and medical (departments I have no authority over). I just don’t get , even as command, I’M being singled out for getting one WHEN FIVE OTHER PEOPLE had them. Keep in mind, I went AFK just about after my time when Wilson sent their final message to me, so I doubt a lot of those people even went to go fight the Xenomorph outbreak for example…

So then why did you get the chainsaw arm? Was it only because everyone else had one?

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Your job as head is to hold your underlings accountable, if they’re getting chainsaw arms, your job is to order them to take the arms off or be demoted, not put one on yourself.

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Not very nice of you to assume stuff, how do you know I didn’t talk to the other five?
Anyhow, note is there not because of your poor Head of Staff conduct. Command shouldn’t be doing stuff ‘for the lulz’, which was your reasoning. The way you bolted it to the bridge when captain called for help and then chased after the guy shooting captain was rather odd, which prompted the initial bwoink.

As Acronad said, this should probably go to ban appeals rather than staff report since you didn’t list any of the rules here that I broke. Also notes are a form of recordkeeping, not a punishment.

And I have a question for you. You’ve never told me your IC reasoning for getting the chainsaw, only your reasoning as a player. Are you trying to roleplay a character?

Yes, because according to Beestatio Wiki… I should be trying to fit in…

According to Beestation Wiki, I should do what helps me fit in more with people I work with… I don’t see how I should be treated as a criminal in this situation and given a note for doing WHAT FIVE OTHER PEOPLE did before me. I just follow my people even into fire or brimstone.

Counterpoints :

Could you elaborate a little further on this? From my understanding, you went AFK for the rest of the round after the final message of the ahelp?

And was your example of the xeno threat something that was actually happening? Or just an example

I wasn’t doing it “for the Lulz” as you put it, but rather to show I have faith in my own people their regardless of their doing. I assumed that as my duty as Head of Personal was to follow people to their end regardless of what the conclusion would be. This is a simple part of building trust

Again, I did it because there were numerous people near me whom had chainsaw hands and were with me during the fight people. I am a populist person both IC and OOC so I wanted to assume respect with them getting the same attachment as them. I would use this to no evilious intentious as you could probably see my by-logs where I did nothing but argue with you in vain towards the end of the shift.

Yeah Wilson basically took me out of the round, I didn’t think I did anything wrong and then being bwionked so aggressively and consistently made me want to focus on reporting them instead for how they ruined my rouind for getting a chainsaw arm.

I see, well i can understand feeling as if you did nothing wrong but getting in trouble for it, but you do know that command should not AFK for the rest of the round, similar to antags, you need to ahelp before you go, and you should cryo not go AFK, Going AFK for the rest of the round, and not ahelp then cryoing is directly against the rules

I DID ahelp numerous types when i was Chief Engineer and I had to go due to bad Amoxicillin allergies outbreaks.I DO all the proper procedures as command but I get assumed to be guilty of on one report and now this goes on my permanent record? I think this is ridiculous @WilsonPH called me a POWERGAMER when I SITTING IN MY OFFICE THE WHOLE TIME!!!

so if im getting the gist of this right, the alleged foul commited here is he gave you an overly harsh note?

Yeah basically, I just felt like it was too harsh considering I have never power gamed in my past and they just slapped it on as a desperate way to justify ruinining my round with DMs.

Aight, thank you for clearing that up.
This should be an appeal in that case. Please open another thread as an appeal.

We all have errors in our judgements sometimes, and making one is not a break of staff conduct. We’re all human.

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