In-game misconduct:
Your Discord:Bass#7050
Offender’s CKEY:WilsonPH
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):N/A
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):04/16/23
Round Number:43628
Rules Broken (if relevant):N/A
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant):IC punishments
Incident Description:I believe wilson has violated IC punishment code in this round. I was a explorer, who was IC butting heads with another explorer who was (in character) a dick. I recognized the difference between him actually ooc being a dick, so I prayed for a IC punishment. So, I requested him stub his toe! Instead, I stubbed my toe. I prayed something along the lines of “Hey! What’d I do? He was a dick all shift!”, which nets me enough brain damage for gibbering.
This was dehabilitating for a shift start ailment, so I actually ended up at first saying I was going to kill myself IC, with another person preventing it. I specifically chose the method of putting the gun in my mouth, so that someone could stop me. Figured it’d be interesting. I then say, alright, take my items, I’m going to cryo.
But Bass, you might say, you prayed! I did, this is true. However, looking at the third statement…
" Is this an attempt to enhance the round for players at all?"
I don’t think in any way, shape, or form, this improved my round. Brain damage is one of the least fun damage types to deal with, and I think giving someone high amounts of brain damage for requesting someone stub their toes is quite ridiculous.
Additional Information: This felt a bit metagrudgy, going from a previous bwoink from them from the round prior. I was bwoinked for shoving a man who wouldn’t answer a question who was trying to open a firelock, in an attempt to figure out why we were red alerted. It was dropped, but it was a strange reason to be bwoinked.