In-game report:
CKEY: ambiic
Your Discord: ambiic
Offender’s CKEY: Wild1123
Offender’s In-Game Name: Bombs-The-Captain
Date: 2024-12-01
Round Number: 50831
Rules Broken: 2.3 Normal crewmembers are not experienced soldiers. You should generally call for help, rather than intervening directly.
Incident Description: Non-antagonist Science, after being tased by myself and entering a short ended combat with an unknown friend of them. After they both put me in crit with some help of artifact BS by their friend and realize I’m still alive, they ask to finish me off. Luckily, they put me in cuffs once more people see the situation. The Medical Doctor Millii sees me and attempts to take me and patch me up with a lot of effort by Bombs-The-Captain and their friend to prevent me being patched up. After I’ve been patched up by Medbay they decides to personally hold me hostage arguing “You attacked me” while a Security Officer is standing close by mostly observing as everyone is bickering. I am never attempted to be handed over to Security nor are my belongings.
Eventually, a random non-antagonist by the name of Mervin or something removed my cuffs and I ran off to try to salvage the last 2 minutes.
By the end of it, I am unsure where most of my things were, but I doubt the Security Officer was given any of it.
Additional Information: Additionally, I was also looted by a possibly non-antagonist for all of my “loot”. I’d also like to point out the bad manners of someone to emag the shuttle console and causing more than half the station be abandoned.