Wilchen warn appeal

Discord ID: me

Admin Discord ID: froststahr

Ban Type: warn

Ban Length: forever since warning system is a pile of shit

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): today

Ban Reason: “filter bypass lol”

Appeal Reason: saying “r-word” is not a filter bypass, its socially acceptable to censor words like that in real life when referring to them.

Additional Information: even the way I used “r-word” was not insulting to anyone as it was a self-deprecation comedic act.

In this case it was a direct substitution of the word, i posted the context in a whisper.

You should probably appeal your older ones since that’d be a lot more automatic tbh

I’ll have to reject this appeal, as I’m dittoing Froststahr’s opinion on this, alongside the reason that the warning has been handed recently.

Maybe seek appealing this one in the future.

In the meantime, I advice you try appealing an older warning, as you have higher chances of succeeding with those.