Why we need a new med system (and how we can encourage the code monkeys to give us one)

Changeling DNA sting.

OracleStation had a good medical system, it was complex enough to not be a snore fest, but easy enough to understand to not be a pain in the ass.

I used to play on Oracle a lot back in the day, I canā€™t remember it being much different to what Beeā€™s medical is?


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I wonder why our medical system stayed the way it is for so long, when most other has added more into theirs.

And fuckin hell i cant unsee that.


I 100% agree with the third point you made here because Iā€™m one of those doctors that straps the patient to the bed and starts heal bruise surgery while the other doctors shout at me to just apply a patch but I keep going on just because itā€™s more fun.

But permanent injuries will make a lot of player base salty.

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I think making surgery need anesthesia, or apply a heavy success debuff without it, would be a good thing. Right now brainwashing surgery is pretty much obligated to go semi-loud in execution since putting someone to sleep instantly sets off meta-alarms to anyone with a brain. It would also open up avenues for funny applications, such as secretly implanting a bomb into someone so they are an unknowing bomb delivery system.

It would also help some of the instant revive-to-accusation that goes on right now.

This but also buff surgery so it becomes to go-to heal method.

maybe make the surgery bed be in use more often? its somewhat the goto heal method anyways with tend wounds.

If we end up porting or changing our current medbay system i think we would benefit from some QoL changes that will help newer players understand it instead of bashing a medkit into the injured person sprite, i think this would also come in handy with the port of the ā€˜ā€˜trainee JOBā€™ā€™ on the players ID based on their hours on that role, that way at least people wonā€™t go immediatly aggresive when theyā€™re not taking .02 seconds to heal them and perhaps theyā€™ll even offer a guiding hand.

We could start doctors with the surgery implants so they actually get better at it and can do it on the fly. The rest would still be equally good if they use an operating computer like we have to now. Now youā€™d call for a doctor and theyā€™d be able to help you fast enough for it to count no matter where it is, instead of spamming packs/ointments.

Because TG had a stupidly rough time shaking up their entire codebase and alot of people bailed because of cobbychem. Meā€¦ being still rather new to ss13 and enjoyed med as it currently wasā€¦ was one of them. It became a ritual of holding on to all we had left.

In all fairnessā€¦ having a second look at it and understanding the mess that is fermi and the jist of medicalā€¦ it doesnā€™t seem as bad as it once soundedā€¦ (hindsight and alot more experience behind my argument thoā€¦)
Chem still has balances to use but seems more tame on the organ damage, it will cause some but generally not enough to kill unless taking them constantly. (May require the chem dispenser nerf undone from experienceā€¦ but thats just preference)

Cloners dont exist and require Monkey humans to donate their body for the gibed and wayward brains.
The wound system requires actual treatment rather than just chugging a chem/patch (albeit slightly bloatedā€¦)

There are a few QOL additions spread around aswellā€¦ a hang up I always had was forced transformation affecting you for the rest of the round with no chance at reversion. Certain servers have a way to reset you to preferences but is kinda slow and locked behind tech (and emaggable)

Wonder if everyone is ready for updated TG medā€¦

And yeahā€¦ very much add intern jobs or at least the ability to label yourself as such in job preferencesā€¦ it would save people the headache asking/learning of such and lets them plan around newer members within their departmentā€¦ even if its just to check up on or offer a hand to them and know that they might not be capable of something complex (have them work on simpler tasks for you while you do it or ask for something similar but easier to produce)

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