Guys hear me out, the sniper is a literal fetish class and because of that should be removed from tf2, now I know what you guys are thinking “but viny, how can the sniper be a fetish class? That sounds absolutely ridiculous!!!” But I’m here today to show you just how sick this class truly is with this one simple example.
Here you can see what is commonly known and referred to as “Jarate” now again I know what you’re thinking, “but viny, that’s just a jar with mysterious yellow liquid liquid in it, what does that have anything to do with sniper being a fetish class?” well my dear, sweet naïve boys and girls I’m here to share with you a little secret that valve and gaben isn’t telling you about… THE JAR IS SNIPERS PISS!
That’s right boys and girls, this sick individual has been throwing jars of his own piss at the enemy team and even his own team this entire time, and the "people’ who play this individual regularly only do so so that they can satisfy their sick desires! And the worst part is? Despite all the backlash of this practice valve lets it stay in the game! And I wont stand for it anything longer, which is why I’m bringing this to your attention so that together we can work together to pressure this SICK corporation into removing this disgusting fetish class from the game for good, thank you for listening.
So why not remove jarate instead.
Because Sniper quickscopes me from across the map and it hurts my fee fees.
Because while it removes the sick practice from the game, it does not remove the sick character that valve has created who does this sick practice canonically in both the comics and in his official character introduction or the sick players who played him when he was able to toss piss and I WONT STAND FOR IT!!! These people and this degusting charter have to be fully purged from both the comics and the game too for valve to completely wipe their hands of this filth they have created.
Buff the Sydney Sleeper
If jarate is piss what’s mad milk
kinda looks like a bottle of apple juice ngl
mmmm apple juice
sniper says to “be polite” when murdering, yet i see nothing polite about covering your victims in piss. Of course, when covered in piss all damage dealt to you is a mini-crit which would make murder more efficient, another important part of the snipers philosophy. So by covering people in piss you are not being polite, but by not doing mini-crit damage when you otherwise could you are not being as efficient as possible, thus creating the Sniper Paradox.
Maybe his piss is fruit flavored?
I wish you could get snipers as sec.
You technically can, with explorer find, you remember that laser boomy sniper energy rifle?
Partical accelerator go bWOOOMP
Also you’d have to make new, way less powerful snipers due to the fact the exisiting .50 cals knock people down and remove a limb
nope, never seen it, I’ve only ran across pistols, shotguns, abductor and the vortext rifle.
The Beam Rifle is unlockable via a tech disk you find as an explorer. You can’t find one in the wild.
They are one of the true habitants of nature in tf2 and removing them will be create a shortage on food chain which will affect some very important and cool classes like spies. I am not saying this as I am a spy main but we should get more people to play on snipers especially the newbabies. They will learn the game more while staying on a higher platform, looking their scopes and doing nothing like a human-sized street lamp.
Thats what i meant, I’m just writing like an ape.
Type here. Use Markd
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