Why the new beemins suck

Now I know how green and rest of OGs feel

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Probably cause learning tools how the current non trial mins do stuff and what is/isn’t allowed from a new perspective.

Once people are settled in and have been for a while you’ll get to know people more intimately UwU

I’d say people got along well excluding the murderboners and overly obnoxious people like grog

This is exactly what I was talking about and this video absolutely reveals the truth behind the past. You have what was it 4 people at the time with complete admin capabilities and zero action. This was the past it was admins that didn’t do a goddess damned thing while in game and never responded to ahelp.

The only time they would ever do something is if they got mad at you and banned you for a bullshit reason or you genuinely did something wrong and it affected them in game. For almost a year straight I pointed this issue out constantly but told I was wrong and making it up like a conspiracy. This is why I began to just go straight to a admin I either had good relations personally or one of the few actual give a fuck admins rather than relying on the trashmins that were online and had do nothing reputations.

dude this is like freaking CK2

you got the Yes Men (Loyalist) who are simply looking for a higher ranking clit to lick or dick to suck in order to “work their way to the top” in the hopes of becoming a glory hound, these are the kinds of people who make up the masses of the administration

you got the normal people (Pragmatist) who actually have more than a dozen neurons in their brain and realize that maybe adding emagged general beepsky’s to null crates probably isn’t the best idea

you got the glory hounds (Glory Hound) who seek to keep up the sect of the KGBmins and the Server Host Commission, these are the people who lead the administration and are why there are people who are banned from servers they haven’t even played on

you got the edgy memesters (Zealot) who seek to create a cult of personality around themselves, these are the people that give changelings a bad rap because all they fucking do is powergame and murderbone for like, the two rounds they roll antag

you got the incels (Malcontent)

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Bring back @Average_Joe22 @July_4th_Tiananmen and @Zanos
reinstate @GreenTea98 and F to the fallen

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hi i’m probably the kgbmin that you’re referencing here, you got banned from the furry ERP servers for repeatedly lying about your age and making people look like pedophiles

you know this

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sbht tbe fucgk up communsit!!!

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I am supporting this conversation with meanigfull dialog in this ahsit spost that is being written right now in thsi arewad thread is a cwriteeen writhg not so i weill girhgt this :cowboy_hat_face: :+1: :sunglasses: :eggplant: :egg: :fried_egg:

Inferring that most of these players on ERP aren’t under aged? Someone pointed it out to me that Citadel’s player count increases when most schools in the US get out which I did see happen

No, how did you take that out of what I wrote? Just because a lot of players are under 18 doesn’t make what they’re doing OK

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You derailing my thread reeeee
Beemins bad

To direct talk from the subject of horny preteens, isn’t a more strict rule set on Sage exactly what people have been pleading for? I’ve seen it applied in places where it wasn’t needed (ni-), but one of the mainstay complaints on Sage has been the greytide influx and the subsequent lack of enforcement.

Give the new mins some time to adjust. Just don’t expect them to be too great, we all know that jannies intrinsically suck.

Yeah but people like zesko are using that to ban people they dont like. He banned fighter for getting augmented before exploring space. Like really?

Everette gave up his n word pass
He turned his back on democracy
Once the battle for democracy is won
Then we may turn our attention to other injustices

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Tbh the oldmins/council are a wholly different case from the newmins. Of course, I can’t speak towards anyone’s biases, but I’ve definitely seen some questionable ban length choices from oldmins that at least somewhat coincide with their opinions on the player. Admins are gay and nobody is surprised.

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I’m not nessecarily saying the old Bee was perfect, but between the chill atmosphere, admin events, and good players made Bee the perfect server to learn to play on, and I’m thankful for that.

Old Bee had problems too, it was just less open when some of these issues arose.

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That’s is again because the old admins just did whatever the hell they wanted which was typically nothing but self serving actions. It was typical for first offenders for example to not get perm bans unless the action was extreme. Yet this made no shortage of this occurring.

I can only imagine how many players who made a honest mistake on what was suppose to be a newbie friendly server got the perm ban and no doubt not all of them came here to appeal. Our community could have been even larger today.

Ssethtide bee was best bee