WhereAmO Player Report

CKEY: Varo10

Your Discord: -

Offender’s CKEY: WhereAmO

Offender’s In-Game Name: A.V.A.I.L

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024/08/25

Round Number: 49756

Rules Broken: No Powergaming, Be Excellent to Each Other

Incident Description:


As AI, constant dispatch of officers, reporting even the least of minor stuff, and going to stretches that made the round a constant Big Brother watching over me. I did not spend a single second in brig so I wasn’t deemed as a dangerous person or anything. Straight from the start snitch behaviour.

Additional Information: Playing with silicons like this from the get go makes rounds be as unsatisfying as possible. You are supposed to be like a cool neutral entity that has to follow some laws but instead you are acting like the warden with all access. Space Law means nothing to you, you should try to at least interact with me a little or do anything interesting but instead you are typing “.s this dude entered this door on Green Alert”. I don’t do this report because I think it’s lame I think it’s straight up Be Excellent rule break and it ruins any chance an antag has of doing anything becaise I get some invisible shit breathing on my neck



In this round I interacted with you in exactly-ish three times:

  • Once, when a Chemist told me to yell at Security about you breaking into Chemistry
  • When I was PDA messages with something along the lines of 'I’d like to report on good authority that the Clown and Roboticist have illegal augments, then I told em the name of the reporter and that’s. It. Security can’t even do anything actionable with that as far as I’m aware.
  • Lastly, when you were in Science, I saw you in there and decided to poke my head in and ask “Do you need anything?” since usually people breaking into Science just need tools, you told me to “Fuck off”, where I then told Security about you.
  • Bonus one is when I didn’t snitch on you and the Roboticist when they had their holopara out with me telling you both to run away from the nearby Pirates and trying to block the pirates. (Looked like they had done an accidental activation of the holopara and it’d be lame to scream ‘SECURITY, KILL’ while there were pirates on-going as well)

Maybe I could’ve interacted with Security less, I guess? I wasn’t specifically targeting you or trying to be a dick, I was just reporting what I saw when I could (and dealing with the Engineers plasma-flooding engineering nearly round-start)


I told you this because I had all comms since syndie earset implant and I was hearing you constantly report everything you saw that was the bare minimun to security, so at that point I was pretty fed up seeing the sec comms constantly filled with calls of people doing bad stuff (minor bad stuff), and when you were in science I was like “oh yeah the AI once again behind me”. It had a reason behind. Had I know you were being genuine there I would have like super duper be cool with that but I was at that point under the constant impression of beign watched and helicoptered and every sus step I took reported. I appreaciate you sliding the holoparasite though.


Hello, and thanks for reporting this!

After going through logs, I’ve come to the conclusion that the actions taken were reasonable and were not exclusively aimed at you. A factor in this was that their lawset was not to preserve life, but to ensure that the station was operating at max efficiency.

In the future, remember that if an AI is a nuisance to you, that there are tools both in the uplink and around the station that can help let you know if you’re being watched, or outright let you remove the AI’s presence (both entirely and in a select area).

Thanks again for bringing this to my attention!

Report Rejected