Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: BOTH
Which server did the ban happen on? BEESTATION SAGE
Ban Type: GLOBAL
Ban Length: 7,979 years, 5 Months, and 3 Days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 6/3/2020
Round ID: 16728
Ban Reason: As Captain on MRP, one-humaned AI and murderboned crew. Immature in ticket.
Appeal Reason:
Now I’m not going to pretend that what I was doing was righteous or anything. But I will admit that I didn’t know what MRP meant, let alone what Beestation rules were. I never been on the website. I mean obviously there are rules and in hindsight I could’ve used common sense to see I was probably breaking a couple at least. I’m not saying I don’t deserve to be banned, not at all (Although maybe not forever). I was acting very rash and I abused my power to the extent of changing the intended way of playing the game. Not once did I ask myself if what I was doing fun for others, or at the very least fair. Changing the AI Laws was a first for me to be honest, didn’t know what I was completely doing. Now I was aware on how to word things, but I kinda got carried away on the wording…to the point I was just flat out saying “Fuck everyone but me”. Needless to say it wasn’t the brightest idea. At that point I didn’t know just how much the station was turned on me at that point, but I will say that I was panicking a little bit (Not trying that as an excuse for the following actions). Murderboning is bad clearly, I remember how pissed I was when I was killed by some lunatic on Golden, it sucked then, it should still suck now. So when I was confronted by a group at medbay with a Security Borg, I thought I better make a run for it. Now looking back, I didn’t need to fire laser shots into the crowd behind us, nor slash wandering passersby, and with that I can agree that was completely unnecessary. I could say that this is starting to sound a lot less like an appeal and more of a kiss-ass letter but I don’t care to be honest, trying to come off as mature as possible.
As for the immaturity in the ticket, I was trying to buy time to talk. Probably came at it the wrong way. True Story
Additional Information:
For future questions as to how I even had the experience required for me to even play Captain, I was just Playing CMO on Golden until I got had enough hours for Captain. Only played SS13 for maybe a few months and almost all of it was on Beestation.
I’m not expecting a complete unban I’m just hoping for a reduced sentence at this point
If this doesn’t get appealed, at least don’t punish the AI at the time, and the Borgs following me. They were just following laws.