Whatstuntman Ban Appeal



Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: BOTH

Which server did the ban happen on? BEESTATION SAGE

Ban Type: GLOBAL

Ban Length: 7,979 years, 5 Months, and 3 Days

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 6/3/2020

Round ID: 16728

Ban Reason: As Captain on MRP, one-humaned AI and murderboned crew. Immature in ticket.

Appeal Reason:

Now I’m not going to pretend that what I was doing was righteous or anything. But I will admit that I didn’t know what MRP meant, let alone what Beestation rules were. I never been on the website. I mean obviously there are rules and in hindsight I could’ve used common sense to see I was probably breaking a couple at least. I’m not saying I don’t deserve to be banned, not at all (Although maybe not forever). I was acting very rash and I abused my power to the extent of changing the intended way of playing the game. Not once did I ask myself if what I was doing fun for others, or at the very least fair. Changing the AI Laws was a first for me to be honest, didn’t know what I was completely doing. Now I was aware on how to word things, but I kinda got carried away on the wording…to the point I was just flat out saying “Fuck everyone but me”. Needless to say it wasn’t the brightest idea. At that point I didn’t know just how much the station was turned on me at that point, but I will say that I was panicking a little bit (Not trying that as an excuse for the following actions). Murderboning is bad clearly, I remember how pissed I was when I was killed by some lunatic on Golden, it sucked then, it should still suck now. So when I was confronted by a group at medbay with a Security Borg, I thought I better make a run for it. Now looking back, I didn’t need to fire laser shots into the crowd behind us, nor slash wandering passersby, and with that I can agree that was completely unnecessary. I could say that this is starting to sound a lot less like an appeal and more of a kiss-ass letter but I don’t care to be honest, trying to come off as mature as possible.

As for the immaturity in the ticket, I was trying to buy time to talk. Probably came at it the wrong way. True Story

Additional Information:

  • For future questions as to how I even had the experience required for me to even play Captain, I was just Playing CMO on Golden until I got had enough hours for Captain. Only played SS13 for maybe a few months and almost all of it was on Beestation.

  • I’m not expecting a complete unban I’m just hoping for a reduced sentence at this point

  • If this doesn’t get appealed, at least don’t punish the AI at the time, and the Borgs following me. They were just following laws.

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Not reading the rules isn’t an excuse for not following them.
Even not on the MRP server, telling the AI to kill everyone, then running round firing at people and just hitting random people would not be allowed at all.

If this doesn’t get appealed, at least don’t punish the AI at the time, and the Borgs following me. They were just following laws.

If bad laws force an AI to murderbone, their actions are on whoever uploaded the law (you)

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I know, not saying it was an excuse.
Also it’s kinda nice to know they won’t get in trouble as well.

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From what I remember, I believe every single ticket that round was about you. I don’t see how obvious griefing equates to ‘I got out of hand also I haven’t read the rules’, ESPECIALLY since you even said yourself how much you hate getting murderboned on golden. From what I see, you knew it was wrong then decided to do it anyways, which ruined the round for multiple players because you thought you could get away with it. That’s bad.

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i think i was the AI and executed the hop, damn, F

I’m aware, and I’m not going to try and excuse that.


Just, No.

I would recommend waiting at least a month before appealing a ban like this.

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Fine, so be it. I can wait.

Would recommend getting a vouch from another server, not simply lifting this after one month.
Play somewhere else, prove you can follow their rules and get an admin there to tell us you did.

Up to @midijamz in the end.

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Finally, actual admin guidance and not piled on belittlement. I’ll try to do that then, and I’ll take note of this. I’m already racking up hours trying out on other stations.

Works for me.