What's your favorite part of SS13?

Honestly one of my favorite moments I can recall on beestation was the time I random dropped the aux base as curator and landed on a watcher tendril and immediately got stunlocked and lost my arm, and then while the fuckers were on cooldown I managed to run away, drop a survival pod, and reattach my arm using ghetto surgery with the toolbelt I had equipped and the bedsheet from the pod.

That was the fun part. The fun part wasn’t even going back and taking down the tendril, the fun part for me was surviving the initial challenge.

There really is something that activates my Neanderthal neurons about getting out of situations using MacGyver tactics and somehow building a secure survival escape pod out of a chewed wad of bubble gum and tinfoil.


My favorite part about ss13 is to bully cat people and slip them on lube with a laser pointer and also harm baton crew

Seriously you just don’t know how happy I am when I’m legally allowed to do these things on MRP


laser pointer only prevents felinids from moving for like 1.5 seconds though

Pour water/lube on floor, use an upgraded laser pointer to force the dumb cat to step in it.

I also said I like to harm baton but you only care about cat people and laser pointers.

Just proves that everyone likes to harm baton


Common misinformation, laser pointer doesn’t actually make felinids force move in direction of the pointer, that only works on /tg/.


Nope, upgraded laser pointer does force cat people to move a tile.
I did this so much that it even forced people who main cat people to start playing human

Every time I see you post on the forums lately it’s to misinform people by stating “facts” that are no longer true and can be functionally disproven in 5 seconds.

Im dumb and overconfident :pensive:
but seriously at least 50% of these facts are true
For example i just checked the code and according to it laser pointers have random chance to make felinids jump in their direction and upgrades have no say in the matter.

prooving that i was actually only half wrong

Michiru please chill and don’t be mean.
Last time I talked with super12 I couldnt prove it to him so it was concluded at that time that it didn’t work

Be careful with that. The code is spaghetti and what you think is the intended value is actually just a bizarre deprecated red herring that nobody bothered to change and the actual values you’re looking for are buried somewhere else entirely.

Letting out my autistic primal urge to create things by building meth factory in maints and shitposting in OOC

Don’t show that. Let people think laser pointers stun felinids. :(((

Creating a challenge and rising out on top of it. Or making your downfall a good show.

Honestly, SS13 was a game introduced by one of my friends and i loved it. Game had so many variables, detailed occupations and realism. Playing as chemist, doctor or geneticist was so much fun and i addicted.

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It’s literally not knowing if you will have fun this shift:

Hmm, I will play assistant
No antag: glad to have regular shift but kinda sad no antag because it changes things up once in a while

Antag: sad because canmt have regular experience if everything is going super good for the crew, you will die from someone or something.

No antag but shit is going bad:
Die in maints from poasma flood.

It is the randomness that makes it like a russian roulette of either having a good round or a round that just sucks ass and is no fun at all.

Also, putting on a show for the people to make it more interesting. Helps immersion by a lot.

going to space to play outbomb cuban pete and stacking 20 maxcaps is my fav thing

When players think outside the box and create unusual situations by being creative and not nessecarily doing what is expected of them. When you’ve played this game for as long as I have, things become repetitive as the game loses its surprises. This makes moments of pure shenanigans all the more hilarious

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