What are some fun lil' RP emotes/quirks/etc you use?

Manually is the way to go - I think the social anxiety perk can actually lock you up from being able to speak, to my memory. I.e. character is too anxious and so on.


I like how you did when you where brainwashed by me!!!

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This 100%. Do silly bullshit in your downtime, unrelated to emotions. Have crumbs/juice dribbling down your chin as you eat, rub your face in exasperation, kick people under the table, smack people with your fucking tail!!

Honestly, brainwashing/hypnosis is genuinely one of my most favorite antag roles, solely because of the RP opportunities it presents.
Like, the gameplay isn’t anything special, you’re just gonna get told to kill some nerd or something, but there’s so many different ways you can act, and you can test other people’s knowledge of how you act, and make kind of a ‘game’ of seeing if anyone notices anything different with how you speak or present yourself. If you do it well enough, then even sharp-eyed people who aren’t really familiar on a “meta” level with your character’s personality might be able to pick up “huh, something’s up with them”, although ofc you shouldn’t go out just making it plain as day obvious you’re brainwashed.


Just imagining lizards being weebs and pretending to be Space Dragons and emoting it and nothing happens because they are not Space Dragons. lol

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Unless you get converted for no reason which tends to always happen to me. At this point I just follow the antag around until they actually tell me to do something, sometimes asking for orders when it isn’t to suspicious… 9/10 times it’s literally nothing.

I always try to show my character’s emotes to other peoples words.
If you insult them they’ll frown or look pissed off.
If you say something nice to them they will smile. I try to do this before saying things since it’s important to me to express the emotion first and then the words so whatever you say has context. It also allows you to become sarcastic in your response to others by making sly smirks or rolling your eyes after saying something.

Also I always use *snap, *clap and *spin because I’m a dork and my characters can’t help themselves.


Omg yeah, having eyes on you can be the scariest thing when roleplaying because you never know why they’re following you and for how long.

For example

I like playing R.A.I.N.C.A.L.L.E.R. with a good ratio of pseudocode, hal 9000 almost-human uncanny valley detatchment and interesting behaviour brought about by downloaded modules (usually offered when appropriate requests are made by command.

I have a big sheet of copyable stuff. For instance:
Roundstart standard greeting to a slaved android as R.A.I.N.C.A.L.L.E.R. AI Station software:



Uuuh, and one more thing I started doing as a chaplain- spicing up the rites!

Since my current gimmick is a haruspex, so I usually try to find any (ghetto) surgical tools, before doing any sacrifices. Then, with knife in one hand I briefly describe the process, as I’m doing the rite; “Klaus stuns the monkey with the knife’s pommel, Klaus drives the knife into the monkey’s stomach” and, after the deed is done, “Klaus analyses the gibs”

Instead of just waking up the Possessed Blade, I usually activate it and throw it on the altar as the monkey is being sacrificed. This ensures the blade is happy and covered in simian viscera right from the get go!

I also tend to take the altar and move it into chaplain’s office, turning it into a kind of study/dissection room


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