We did it we shitposted so fucking hard Basssssssss admin feedback page got LOCKED
No you tard, he resigned a few days ago. we lock feedbacks once the person is no longer an admin.
mhvkhgvhgkvhgvhgvhjvhjvhgvhgvhhgv delete the thread jhvhgvhgvjhvjhvjhgvhjgjhgvhgved
Im taking a pic of this so we can laugh at you for eternity HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA
joking but not deleting it anyway
dont make me do it dont make me press the admin report button bro. i know its one strike and your gone bro dont make me do it. im sure all the shitters of the server would love a reason boot you bro so dont make me bro
bro delete the post before i do the thing.
Come at me with that admin report.
Report he didn’t give me antag token for no reason