We need to start issuing permabans for single offenses

Nobody has ever made a mistake in the history of mankind, nor does anyone but the purely evil do anything out of malice or stupidity. Thus, we can protect not just every human being on the server, but the children as well, whose innocence and purity is unrivaled. Anyone whose worked with children knows that they are highly intellegent, reasoning, and kind beings, just like adults. Thus, by permabanning people for their first offense, and for small mistakes, regardless of their history or contributions to the server, we can keep BeeStation a fun, family oriented, friendly server for all.


remove ban appeals altogether since admins feel bad about being wrong.


Actually in the case of admins and heads and hosts and founders we should permaban for the first offense of a certain type of wrongdoing but never ban for anything else, ever, unless they’re under 18, even though the server is supposedly safe for people under 18.

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I feel more relieved than anything if I am wrong about a ban and can remove it. In a perfect world, nobody would break the rules and nobody would ever get banned. If a player I have banned can prove to me that they didn’t break any rules, I will gladly unban them and welcome them back to the server.

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You will make a great headmin someday.

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Ban everyone who isn’t an admin. Problem solved :sunglasses:

Chill out, that was a joke. I love most of the admins (full homo)