Ways to remove your fats

  1. Build conveyor belts that comes from a wall. Runs on the conveyor belt with harm intent. Being at Harm intent removes your nutrient level at double. (Just running works though, but conveyor belt looks funky.)

  2. Ask a doctor for Lipoplasty surgery.

  3. Ask a chemist for Lipolicide

  4. Use fat removal machine (but it kinda takes eternal to remove your fats, also needs to construct one.)

  5. Empty-clone yourself and transfer your brain into that one.

  6. Use a mutation toxin.

  7. Have a virus that removes your fat level (but this is destructive)

  8. Try xenobio thing

Aquire Nanites with Metabolic Synthesis.


Didn’t know that first one, thanks!

Afaik those don’t actually drain nutrition.

they do, just slowly

Bro I read “Ways to remove your farts” and I almost had a heart attack.


Cannabis also contains Lipolicide. So if the chemist is busy, go to botany and ask to chew on a few leaves (they probably already grew some because, uh, weed funny? I don’t know.)


Die and take control of a ghost spawn. ez

Exercise Machines in a lot of station Dorms.

Mints remove fat people from the station, add that in! :blush:


When I am going to make a point on how open ended this game is… I’ll just show 'em this thread.

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