Walther Schelenberg / H.A.N.S - RIP H.E.I.N.Z feedback thread

Hi, I am as described in the title, and i think kinda suck sometimes, please help me get better : D


Tried to steal my sandwiches! >:c

0/10 <3

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While working as a janitor, he came to my bar to chill and lighten the mood of a boring round. When asked for a drink, he made up some bucket mix recipe which to recreate sounded like this ( a few vodka shots, a bit of Arnold Palmer, 2 nar’sours and top it a few moonshines. Mix everything and pour it into my cleaning bucket)

While I was making that monstrosity, he was giving me his entire back story of how he became a janitor.

“Tried being a doctor… They kicked me out for using a soap”

“Was working in cargo, cleaned all the crates…”
(You would think there’s nothing wrong with that, but, he corrected himself)
“Out of profits.”
“That was the only time Taylor, had to write in red pen”

Made my bar experience very fun.



This sicko makes Nutella toast with butter. What has the world come to.

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