Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both
Which server did the ban happen on? LRP
Ban Type: Job Ban
Ban Length: Permenant
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-08-09
Round ID: 19634
Ban Reason: “Siphoned air out of medbay because “station is slowly depressurizing anyways”. Has 3 prior bans and 2 notes on the same subject. Appeal when you’ve read 10 times.”
Appeal Reason: When i was siphoning, medbay was n2o flooded, the rest of station was a god damn hole, and medbay was at low pressure anyways. the only people in medbay at the time were gang, and even then they were all using Skinsuits and EVA gear already so it wasnt even causing harm.
also, the admin lied in the ban reason, stating i had 3 bans as A.I, and all of them were for similar reasons. which isn’t true at all, a simple look at my bans can show that i only had 2 A.I bans prior, one was for ignoring a law after 51 law changes that didnt even give me a chance to see what law had been changed, the other was an actual valid ban.
Additional Information: the state of the station just north of medbay, shortly after i got banned from A.I and deleted
I might be incorrect, but i believe that in some cases, Siphoning is the faster way to clean a room of gases (N2O takes forever to filter or something along those lines), altough that might have changed with fastmos?
Im pretttty sure? either that or im misremembering that there was n2o, i know there was something bad in medbay but im not really 100% sure what it was.
at any rate, everyone in medbay was wearing eva, space winds were everywhere in medbay. which honestly, if you ask me, is a good enough reason and situation to siphon. i think i also told them to turn on internals while i was siphoning, so no asimov laws would be broken.
If the excuse that siphoning was okay is because everyone had protective gear, then leaving the N2O there (which doesnt cause harm by itself) is more of a valid choice because everyone already had protective gear. Siphoning probably caused more long term damage than expanded scrubbers with N2O scrubbing would have done.