## About The Pull Request
This pull request is focused on removing virology as …a job in a non-destructive manner, and changing virology mechanics to reflect its removal
the following changes can be toggled on or off in config, for friendliness to downstreams
- option to enable/disable virology as a job and map location. This uses a special locker for items, disables most items in viro fridge, and adds a mapping helper that turns certain pieces of non-viro scenery to viro objects, and sets doors to viro names/access
-For mappers, virology needs: a virology mapping helper over each access airlock(maints included), which should be labelled PHARMACY or somesuch, a mapping helper over a smoke machine, a mapping helper over a potted plant, and a l3closet/virology/starter. There still needs to be a preloaded viro smartfridge, a monkey enclosure, and a pandemic machine, but the area should be freely accessible to all medical personell.
--option to change whether necrotic metabolism causes diseases to process while in corpses
the following changes exist to make the customizability of viruses heavily tunable. currently, they're *somewhat* customizeable (currently, with enabled options, you can combine viruses and remove some symptoms, and neuter others. heavily rng dependent based on what viruses spawn and what symptoms can be removed (symptom removal uses rng fixed at roundstart), making spreadsheet viro nearly impossible most rounds.)
- option to allow chemical customization of viruses to be disabled (turning this off also replaces the virus sample crate with a crate full of a few basic isolated symptoms). This is now enabled
-option to limit how many symptoms can be removed from a virus. At this time, I have synaptizine no longer function on viruses with four or less symptoms
-option to make symptom removal "Seeded"- every round, symptom IDS are scrambled, and the lowest ID symptoms are always removed from a virus first. this makes rng-based isolation with tenacity impossible. this is now enabled
- option to disable extrapolator isolation. this is now enabled.
- option to disable mixing viruses together. not enabled.
- option to allow neutering and other utility virus recipes to be disabled. not currently enabled
the following changes exist to make random viruses more impactful, and make virology a bit easier to compensate for a lack of fine-tunability.
- option to change whether or not rats and dormant diseases infect players. these features are annoying and make viruses a bigger danger, making eating rats or sharing syringes dangerous. These features are enabled.
- option to allow certain "secret effects" on symptoms, such as hemetophagy vampires or autophageocytosis zombies. enabled
- option to make spread symptoms always spread a virus. disabled.
- option to make some virus thresholds easier to reach. tentatively enabled.
- option to make the above three options only apply to random event viruses (also making said viruses uncustomizable). enabled.
Non- config changes
- disease symptoms order themselves based on the roundstart removal seed, to remove guesswork and frustration. First symptom is removed first.
- improve random diseases, so they always have a transmission symptom and a symptom with a notable effect
-change how extrapolators are obtained. now, they're obtained through science
- [ ] revamp virus cure list
- remove dermagraphic ovulogenesis (pointless symptom i hate it)
- re-adds viro zombies. These are now nerfed, doing less damage, and spreading their virus rather than spreading zombie tumors.
## Why It's Good For The Game
virology as it is is extremely bad for roleplay. The virology department is poorly equipped to deal with actual outbreaks, and spreading beneficial diseases adds little positive to the game. This means the department is either powergame fuel for people who spend hours making out of game spreadsheets, or grief fuel and banbait. often both.
this style of removal still leaves enough disease customization in to engage players who wish to engage with it, but does not reward a hefty array of spreadsheets and recipes, instead encouraging a more intuitive grasp of the system and how symptoms mesh together
Whether or not I make this PR, viro will be removed, so I'd prefer to be the one to kill it. with this approach, downstreams will still be able to enjoy beeviro, without worrying about upstream nerfs or removals disturbing it
## Testing Photographs and Procedure
I did not remember to screenshot my testing, but it consisted of testing a few event viruses, the mapping helpers, mixing viruses till i got the seeding to work right, testing dormant diseases, etc.
## Changelog
del: removes the virologist role. this is config based.
del: Removes most means to customize viruses This is config based. Currently, you can remove up to 2 symptoms from a disease, neuter symptoms, and mix viruses. Symptom removal is not random, with each symptom being removed based on a value given at roundstart.
del: dermagraphic ovulogenesis symptom
tweak: while virus customization is disabled, virus sample crates instead ship 5 isolated utility symptoms
add: re-adds viro zombies. They're now weaker, and only spread their diseases, instead of spreading the tumor itself.
add: adds a new chemical reaction, which allows you to remove faltered, immutable, dormant, and carrier status from viruses
balance: random viruses made through events should be more impactful now
balance: some symptom thresholds should be far easier to reach. config controlled.
mapping: adds tools for mappers to make virology departments a pharmaceutical research lab accessible by all medical personelll unless viro is enabled
tweak: toxoplasmosis sapiens is now level 0, and can *technically* appear, but, like all level 0 symptoms, will practically never appear, and will be even less likely to have any significant effect. However, the owo speak effect has been substantially toned down, and should now only impede the speech of certain letters and induce random cat noises, rather than replacing words arbitrarily.