Varo note appeal

Discord ID: clownmoff

Admin Discord ID: whereamiO

Ban Type: Note

Ban Length: Note

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 29/09/2023

Ban Reason: No Sexually Explicit images, art or otherwise.

Appeal Reason: I will not post any more sexually explicit drawings of EPS nor any other borderline/not so borderline porn image for that matter. I promise.

Additional Information: @WhereAmI

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Bweh this sounds vaguely condescending but I cannot think of any other way to ask it, so!

Do you understand why I find this particularly icky?

Yes. I just wanted to add some humor on it with how I worded the appeal. But I do understand 100% now where the line is

Got it. I’ll lift this for now, just remember to avoid making other players uncomfortable, please!

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