Unrobust Security

Can you summarize which roles are allowed by rules to have advanced sunglasses? Because ahelping everyone that has them is a futile effort. If only antags are allowed to have them, then why are they accessible to non-antags in maint and vendors?

should this role be doing any combat? (really only heads and sec)
does this role require welding protection? adv sunglasses no longer give welding protection

otherwise high chance of powergaming

why do fireaxes, one of the most powerful weapons you can grab exist?

Removing glass.

Honestly, I’d say the reason most sec players are new is because sec kinda breaks most people after a while. At the most intense, sec is an incredibly complex, unpredictable job that can take a lot of work just to maintain the bare minimum. I enjoy playing sec from time to time, but I usually stop because of how emotionally exhausting it can be, having to manage both the crew and your colleagues with sudden round-removal always lurking around the corner. Most of your work goes unappreciated, the crew hates you, but are going to complain if there isn’t any sec either. It’s just not fun for any longer than it takes to realise why you don’t play sec in the first place, and new players haven’t made that discovery yet.


Security is extremely volatile, crew doesn’t cooperate with you and refuse to talk then call you every slur word on dictionary that isnt restricted and cry about it after round end, thats why i made this forum post in the first place, i want squad to rely on and them to rely on me so it isn’t as exhausting.

Its on heads and more experienced players to teach new ones how to do things

It seems to work especially well in engineering where you can often see people explaining how to set up the SM etc but it should be true in every department…especially the one that involves facing antagonists, where you should be able to count on others, where weak link in your team may cost you your very own life.
There’s a holodeck and shooting range on every station, I see no problem in using those to practice with less experienced officers and even civilians who may be interested in trying sec job one day.

There just has to be a will to teach

This is on administration to solve. For some reason slurs are ok when aimed at security.

“shitsec” should be added to word filter, it makes no sense from RP perspective.

OK dont go too far and restrict every PG 13 word

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Only every meme buzzword that people use to act like shitters.

We should have a sign-up sheet for newbies who want to get mentored, alongside a sign up sheet for people who are willing to be security mentors. That seems like the best way to go about this.

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Also, Security is a terrible role to learn SS13 combat with. Having stuns and stamcrit weapons on hand handicaps your development as a player, because fights end too soon, limiting the gain of vital experience with clicking and not being clicked. A fight with a toolbox takes 9 hits to put someone in crit, a fight with a baton takes 4 and deals slowdown.

The longer a fight lasts, the more experience you gain from it. Boxing gloves are especially good for this, because it takes anywhere from 9-16 hits to knock out your opponent, and you can get right back up afterwards.

It kneecaps your growth as a player if you start playing Security before learning how to fight. Learn how to fight with the basic melee weapons before you move onto stuns, bolas, and ranged weapons.

Newbie players that try to play Security will almost always end up despising it because they get consistently outrobusted despite, and also because of their advantages over the crew. Those crutches end up crippling them in the long run.

Yeah so don’t play sec if you’re new, easy.

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Yeah, I think we should really up the hours requirement for Security. It is incredibly punishing for new players in general.

Edit: Still though, we should probably have a way to organize mentors for players who’ve gotten a decent amount of game experience and want to try out security.

We don’t need sec metacliques. If a player has sec questions, they should use mentorhelp, if it’s not rules related.

Don’t think of players as a same thinking hivemind, while mentorship with words is useful nobody is there to actually show them how its done, i already talked about that above.

Until we get mentor mice, that’s unfortunately not going to happen a lot, as I can’t be asked to play (ooze) security.

Visible extended, I.E. nobody is actually allowed to kill security because that would be overescalating leading to a ban, that wouldn’t give a real security experience to a player at all.

No offense but with your temper sometimes, it’s probably for the best if you dont touch security for your own sanity

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I mean, I would be perfectly fine with mentoring newbie Security officers that actually want to learn. Most of the knowledge that really needs sharing is practical stuff, like how much to brig people for, how to make sure they don’t break out, making sure to search boots, pockets, and boxes, etc.

So long as you emphasize the idea that SOP leads directly to not getting your skull caved in by an escaping greyboi, I think you can probably teach people how not to failsec better.

I think the combat stuff is also magnitudes more interesting than SOP as well. Crippling unrobustness isn’t really something that can be fixed with tricks and knowledge, but knowing how to actually use your gear is pretty important for a Secoff.

I’ve seen newbie sec use their weapons the wrong way plenty of times. Stuff like;

  • defaulting to the baton when using a flash or a disabler would work better,
  • not staggering their shots straight down each row of tiles in the 3-tile hallway while chasing down escaping perps
  • keeping their weapons out in the open instead of holstered
  • straying too close to walls while carrying a weapon

Stuff like that which could easily be corrected

Edit: Yeah I just realized these aren’t really things you can teach people in the heat of the game.

I guess the main difference is that Security roles usually demand that you move about the station, rather than remaining in the department.

Because of that, Secoffs are usually spread out a lot so they can’t really mentor newer players. I guess a buddy system where you drag a newbie around while playing the game might work? Like bringing Beepsky, except less robust.

You could still probably throw your partner at the criminal to hardstun them for a second before rushing them down. That might be an effective strategy.

yeah, I’mma try that.