Unknown Player Report R43391 #1

CKEY: Yuliy

Your Discord: Harry.K#1661

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Bridget Jameson

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 04-01-2023

Round Number: 43391

Rules Broken: 2, 3

Incident Description: Virologist goes against the groups of antagonists, continuing to engaging with the groups by using their disarm and hindering the fight between the security by rubbernecking.

Additional Information: Virologist, Bridget Jameson, has continuously engaged with the groups of antagonists (Traitors and Blood Brothers in a group) and continued to disarm the antagonists group despite there is an active security officer dispatched and engaged with the antagonist team. Even when there’s a gunfight, Bridget did not hesitated to go into the groups of antagonists, using their disarm intent and disarming the team.

Our guy is

Bigmogus \ Bridget Jameson \ Virologist \ NONE \ LATEJOIN

Looks like he did a bit of powergaming, making several healing viruses, getting nanites and space adapt then using them to just spacewalk
Here are all of their shove logs. Fair bit of them from the start can be disregarded, but yes, it does seem like they did a fair bit of validhunting.

Disarm intent momento
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved LilKoolAidBoi/(Honky The Clown) (NEWHP: 85.5)  (Central Primary Hallway (88, 120, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved LilKoolAidBoi/(Honky The Clown) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 85.5)  (Central Primary Hallway (88, 121, 2))
ATTACK: *no key*/(monkey (190)) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) (NEWHP: 100)  (Virology (72, 84, 2))
ATTACK: *no key*/(monkey (190)) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100)  (Virology (72, 84, 2))
ATTACK: *no key*/(monkey (190)) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 94.5)  (Virology (72, 84, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Serket/(Edward Irish) (NEWHP: 77.2)  (Medbay Central (89, 104, 2))
ATTACK: Serket/(Edward Irish) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) (NEWHP: 100)  (Medbay Storage (89, 107, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Serket/(Edward Irish) (NEWHP: 77.2)  (Medbay Central (88, 105, 2))
ATTACK: Serket/(Edward Irish) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100)  (Medbay Central (88, 104, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Mails.z/(Hal Wise) (NEWHP: 76.4)  (Command Hallway (96, 127, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 80.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (43, 164, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 80.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (43, 164, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) (NEWHP: 66.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (50, 165, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) (NEWHP: 66.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (50, 165, 2))
ATTACK: Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) (NEWHP: 85)  (Port Bow Maintenance (51, 165, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved *no key*/(Jestie Boxcutter) (NEWHP: -100)  (Port Bow Maintenance (49, 165, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) with into Unknown (NEWHP: 32.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (53, 165, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) (NEWHP: 32.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (53, 164, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) (NEWHP: 29.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (53, 164, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) (NEWHP: 26.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (53, 164, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Burrrkeye/(Axel Spock) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 23.2)  (Port Bow Maintenance (54, 163, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Tapczan/(Lia Brinigh) (NEWHP: 88)  (Emergency Shuttle (92, 60, 2))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 89.9)  (Emergency Shuttle (157, 21, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with onto the table (table) (NEWHP: 89.9)  (Emergency Shuttle (157, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with into Porterpine (NEWHP: 89.9)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with into Porterpine (NEWHP: 89.9)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with into Porterpine (NEWHP: 89.9)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved RandomGuy341/(Candace Clark) with into Lia Brinigh (NEWHP: 96.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (157, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (157, 20, 9))
ATTACK: RandomGuy341/(Candace Clark) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) with into Cynthia Northey (NEWHP: 100)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: RandomGuy341/(Candace Clark) has shoved Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) with into Cynthia Northey (NEWHP: 100)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (155, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (155, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) with into Lia Brinigh (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (156, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (155, 21, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved RandomGuy341/(Candace Clark) (NEWHP: 96.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (156, 22, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (156, 22, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 85.7)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 21, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 89.9)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) with into Candace Clark (NEWHP: 84.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (158, 20, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved Ice Type/(Caroline Fields) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 86.4)  (Emergency Shuttle (156, 21, 9))
ATTACK: Bigmogus/(Bridget Jameson) has shoved JamesPlushie/(Cynthia Northey) (NEWHP: 84.8)  (Emergency Shuttle (211, 71, 1))

Report processed