Title: Unknown CKEY Report by Minerage
CKEY: Minerage
Your Discord: Sinmero #8241
Offender’s CKEY: i dont know
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Camryn Hynes
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 21.01.21
Round Number: 26314
Rules Broken: 3. Validity Rules, 4. No Self-Antagging or Grief
Incident Description: The guy killed me twice for lubing him.
Additional Information: I was testing my lube spray bots, Camryn Hynes got slipped (bots werent targeting him). He took one and ran to chem. When i asked him to return it he ignored me and started to weld it open. Then i ordered bot to lube him and after that he defibed me to death. After a few minutes he revived stripped cuffed and threw me at sci. I ordered bots to lube him again then he finds me at sci and defibes me to death again this time he puts my body at morgue.
I did ahelp but no admins on lrp.
I had two of them the first time and i turned them off after they lubed a bit. Getting lubed does not allow you to kill people.
Also lube wallslam on slip was removed.
Repeatedly being a shitter with lube does allow people to kill you, but after looking at things here (and trying to get Yyzsong’s side) I agree this was over-escalation. I was going to let sole take the report, but they’re too slow and missed the window
(I had already pulled logs before they posted and was just waiting on Yyzsong to reply to me)