Unknown Ckey Player report Mara Rutherford bluespace tomato Edition

In-game report:

CKEY: Buckettlord

Your Discord: BuckettLord

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Mara Rutherford

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2025/02/25

Round Number: 51763

Rules Broken: R2

Incident Description: I Found the captain in a group of people I ran up and Started to talk to them and demanded they draw their weapon, we start Fighting and mara starts to throw bluespace tomatos at me. This causes me to eventually get trapped in Cargo’s Office and captured.

Additional Information: While yes, They might have been caught in a blast earlier They had no reason to jump in an assist The captain with bluespace tomatoes. this somewhat ruined my plans.

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Already on a different report from same round

I think it’s worth noting that the ‘captain’ was a scientist with AA and captain gear. We had no security or actual heads of staff.

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I was Mara during this round (ckey also QuaintSun1, Roentgenium on discord)

From my perspective:

I had made bluespace tomatoes to screw around out of boredom, seeing as nobody wanted custom plants and I had little else to do. I made a lot of them because:
a) I already had the facilities to make them
b) I’d rather have too many than too few and end up dying from teleporting into space
c) I wanted to give bags to people (I did so with Bell or Bela, can’t remember which one - the medic)

Within moments of using them, I end up in the maints below the captain’s room. I get accused of bombing and assume they mean gibotnite, as I found some in maints earlier. I reply that I would not use gibotnite as I could likely just grow my own bombs. Seemingly in reply to this Nickel throws a bomb and mentions something about the bombs looking ‘like this’. After escaping, I then worry that I am being targeted specifically. Sometime later, as we have no command and no security, I acquire a secbelt for self defense.

Later on, Nickel shows up again with a chainsaw, and wants to fight Celine (the scientist ‘captain’.) I throw some bluespace tomatoes at them as a nonlethal revenge to temporarily inconvenience them, for no more than half a minute. Note that I deliberately choose never to use the sec gear.

This appears to lead to Nickel ‘losing the duel’ in the cargo office that they cannot escape, and thus this report for ‘ruining a gimmick’.

My thoughts on this:
a) challenging a target to a duel should not automatically guarantee protection - traitors aren’t entitled to have their plans go as they expected.
b) having your opponent teleport is just as disruptive for the other fighter, so I do not believe that this unfairly posed much of a disadvantage in a melee fight
c) I do not see how a fight to the death in a busy corridor is made any harder for either party by being moved to another room (where there aren’t bystanders, so less collateral damage.) Nickel had ample time to see Celine coming in, so I believe that duel would have been lost in any similar location and thus I did not contribute to the duel being lost.

This feels more like a report being made out of frustration at something not going as planned.

Alleged rule break:

I agree that making significant amounts of bluespace tomatoes on mid or highpop wouldn’t be great, but as previously stated, there was no command and no security. To my knowledge, based on looking at earlier ban appeals and forum posts, players do not gain special privileges on a meta level just for being an ‘acting’ something, especially not when jumping from a non-command, non-security role to captain.

R2.3: * Red or Delta Alert or a direct threat/attack to yourself or your department is justification for arming/preparing yourself

R3.1: Validhunting: ‘[…] deliberately seeking out and/or killing a valid individual’ - I did not seek them out. This happened right outside botany

R3 and R3.2 - both include the word ‘generally’. In general, we have command and sec staff.


I had plans to eventually Run away and Surrender when the shuttle arrived. So, the teleportation into the Cargo office Killed what little scrapped together plans Remained due to being trapped.
I already Failed my Objective so I was intending to make things a bit interesting Not “Gets teleported into a enclosed room and Unable to escape”

It was if i’m correct Blue, Also you heard me ask the captain for a duel, And i even Told you in the middle of the Fight to stop and that “This isn’t your fight” right before you teleported me again to the Cargo office. so, i clearly wasn’t After you.

You don’t have to “Hunt” for it to be valid hunting, Just attacking a known Antag while as a non-antag can be it. Unless it was for self defense and if I’m correct I did say I wasn’t Fighting you.
Also, Did you not make threats towards me, Like to EMP me thinking i was an IPC? Thinking back that is signs that you might have intended to Cripple me and Assist killing/arresting me Before i found the captain.

If what i said is not enough please refer to the Rule two info here.

You had a reason to be armed, And defend yourself however also take note of
" You should generally attempt to flee from combat or dangerous situations. "
And I clearly made it clear that I wasn’t Fighting you.

This is all that I have to say.


This is always going to be a gray area best handled on case by case basis. Bluespace tomatoes are also tricky so what I’m about to say isn’t absolute for them either.

In the context of this situation, whether or not they were “hunting” you absolutely does apply. They did not pursue where you got teleported to, and the conflict occurred in an extremely public space in front of them.

Bringing focus back to the intention behind, rather than the literal words used: “You should generally attempt to flee from combat or dangerous situations.” Bluespace tomatoes are an exceptional way to avoid, deter or otherwise get away from a combat encounter.

This wasn’t really a case of self-defense, but you also can’t expect bystanders to do absolutely nothing when you’re commiting very hostile acts in a completely public space.

They can’t whip out spears and toolboxes and beat you to death, they shouldn’t whip out stun batons or disablers for no reason if they aren’t sec, and they can’t come running from afar to dive headfirst into combat in general. But starting a fight in an extremely public space, or with bystanders actively present, you can’t expect there will be zero interference.

In rounds with no security, everyone is allowed to defend public spaces within the limitation of equipment they are allowed to have.

If all of security is dead, or there is no security at all everyone becomes station security to an extent.


This thread will be left open for a short while in case there’s any further confusion to clear up


Thank you for looking at it Ruko.

Since you looked at it and made a decision I’m content.

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I’ll go ahead and close this up then.

Sorry it didn’t pan put for you in the round.