Unknown CKEY Player Report #41600

In-game report:

CKEY: LodedDiper

Your Discord: Disco User#4914

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Mack Hablibby

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 12-02-2022

Round Number: 41600

Rules Broken: 2

Incident Description: Very clearly EORG prepped chem nades to use them immediately at roundend. Even primed them like a second before the round actually ended (they still exploded post-round), which Im pretty sure also violates some rule. No an admin was not online.

Additional Information: Nothing else to say really. I guess reading the rules is just too much for some people.


not an admin but afaik EORG is allowed on this server and having chem grenades go off past round end doesn’t break any rules. (I’m not the player quoted here but I do regularly enjoy a good EORG)

EORP prep (making items specifically to use during EORG) isn’t as it is essentially powergaming and makes no IC sense for you to be bringing weapons of mass destruction home.


Haven’t seen that spelled out in the rules and I’ve done/seen it done dozens of time without any care. Seems like a non-issue

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It’s powergaming. EORG isn’t an IC thing so preparing for it is not a valid IC reason to have gamer gear/explosives/whatever


Seems kind of lame tbh, only admemes are allowed to do funny explosions etc post-round? Don’t see how this harms anyone’s game experience.

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Because your character is not you, and has absolutely zero reason to waste time creating and bringing explosive devices for the purpose of destruction to their employer’s headquarters. You should be playing the game and immersing in roleplay rather than spending time creating bombs for explosion fun at roundend, which is meta. If you want to make bombs, then you can ask the research director to allow use of a testing site for explosives, or something like that.

You are allowed to do funny explosions if you have a valid in character reason to have explosives on your person when boarding the escape shuttle (of which there are very few, because why would you bring a dangerous bomb to your company headquarters after evacuating a deadly station?).

If EORG and preparing for it are important things that you want to do, you should not be playing on a roleplay server.

You may happily EORG with whatever items you would’ve had in character already on your person, for example if you are security you can use your security gear to EORG, but you should not be acquiring or bringing gear specifically for EORG, because that is not an in character action.

It’s not mentioned in the rules because if you were roleplaying and not powergaming than you would not be preparing for EORG since that is fundamentally out of character. It should not have to be spelled out because the rules already require you to be in character.


Sorry this took so long. I’m bad at holiday recovery.

Report accepted.