Unknown CKEY Play Report

CKEY: TwiggyJrr

Your Discord: TwiggyJrr

Offender’s CKEY: Unkown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Umar Ezzideenov

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024/04/08

Round Number: 48281 (I think, server crashed)

Rules Broken: Escalation Policy

Incident Description:
Late join Mime enters the kitchen while I (the cook) was in botany. I run back in, tell him to get out (playfully mind you, like “GET, GO ON NOW, GET”) We ran circles a bit as I was just tryna grab him, eventually cornerd him at my (extended) kitchen front desk. So I used shove (forgetting about CQC cause I never used it) and kicked him over the desk.
From what I saw he stole bungo fruit (I think, I didnt have any on the counter), and I left to go back to botony, clean up etc.
I came back, apologised for hitting him as I meant to just push him over the table, he then grabbed a plantpot and started throwing it at me, glass and all. I backed off and called sec (1 detective). Mime escapes him, and tries to then break into the freezer via clown office after failing to enter through the maints vent to the freezer.
After this he continuously tries to grab stuff, mostly my food, to attack me or try harm me.

Round shortly crashed after. Unsure if they were a traitor, but after I kicked them out of the kitchen they just seemed to have a personal vendeta on harming me or trying to get back in.

Additional Information: