Unknown CKEY, Jamal Jackson Player Report

In-game report:

CKEY: Bluezorua

Your Discord: toasterBan

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name: Jamal Jackson

Server (Sage or Acacia): Sage

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-03-09

Round Number: 47961

Rules Broken: 1. You Must Roleplay, 7. Be Excellent to Each Other

Incident Description: Jamal Jackson joined in as an atmospheric technician, and did nothing but make fusion, complain and assault people. They complained about the roundstart atmos setup for atmos in corg, “fixed it” to make fusion (cutting out the distro in the process) and then made an incredibly unsafe fusion setup, which didn’t include any uranium glass, simply being contained with just holofans and regular reinforced glass.

I turned off their fusion leak waiting to happen and then they threatened to kill me, which caused AI to lock them down in atmospherics, shortly later fusion did leak, afterwards they apparently tried to get back into atmospherics, but when a borg prevented them, they tried to kill the borg on the shuttle

Additional Information: N/A


Was able to pretty much confirm this by logs.
Besides their RP being pretty lacking, and the self antag, this bordered a bit too close into grief territory. Looks like an evader too.

Thanks for the report, it’s been processed.