Unknown admin staff report

In-game misconduct:

CKEY: Dirty Little Vegerable

Your Discord: patience4147

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Unkown

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-03-16

Round Number: 48037

Rules Broken (if relevant):

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Taking action within a round (?)

Incident Description: I was playing curator and decided to join the three explorers and an assistant that later transferred to exploration to try find cool artifacts to put into the display cabinets. Throughout the round an admin continually bussed us.

When we went to a space ruin, it was randomly covered in vines.
Next, we had a couple of holopan messages talking about an… impostor? so far, all good, we were all roleplaying and very curious about it.
We had two? other vines incidents where vines spawned on the explo shuttle whilst we were in ruins.
Next we had two sting-mines in the main door of our ship
After that we finally arrived to the ‘‘Syndicate Assault into NT Cargo ruin’’ we were opening our way into the Pirate ship to loot it but Melody noticed it had plasma(with mesons) so we had to go around…

However the reason I’m making the report is that when we went around we had to clear several more mines which was fine. We were making plans to take the pirate ship with us but then Kathleen (the captain) called use back to the station to help make mechs to combat the clock cult (?), which we didnt hear about until then. At this point it was just me and miriam on the pirate ship, so we both began to rush back to the explo shuttle back through the airlock we just cleared. I didnt see the explosive mine spawned underneath the door which completely delimbed me and killed me instantly, right as it was announced the portals to Reebe were about to open.

Additional Information:

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So, just so we’re clear. The report is because when rushing out of the known-to-be-booby-trapped pirate ship you died to one of said traps?

If you hadn’t died, would you have made this report? It seemed like you were enjoying things up until that point.


iC, Mia died from stepping on a mine that was not there 2 minutes ago and specially when they were returning since the portal to Reevee was opened, if it would’ve been placed on any other area that we didn’t explore before then i could buy it as “ic sense” of “oh fuck watch out this place might have traps!” But it was a door we passed various times.

We just don’t understand what led the admin to adminbus to the point of killing someone, full nugget and losing all their items in the process specially when we were finally about to return upon hearing the announcement

OOC that Syndicate ruin is already extremely dangerous(and not booby trapped but sure we can go with some random traps) since it’s full of some very dangerous and strong mobs in fact two of us almost went to crit just fighting the "easier ones’’ so if the admin wanted us to go back they could’ve waited and one of us might’ve died naturally and since we had no defib or anything of the sort we would’ve obviously prioritize going back. Or they could’ve folllowed with the semi harmless bus with the holopad, etc that was more engaging.

First it was an interesting adminbus, vines spawning on a ruin we were, on our ship, receiveing ominous holopad messages that mentioned one of us being an “impostor” that was nice and we played along then… while we were midflight… a random sting-mine appeared under the main airlock when we were disposing of what we thought were the "impostors’’ which were some pets but… seeing it spawn out of thin air… slightly inmersion breaking.

When we finally arrived to said ruin i docked us right in front of the pirate ship airlock, that’s when Melody, one of the explorers, said that it had… plasma since she had meson goggles and when we opened the door yup, a plasmaflood was on said airlock and it immediatly lit on fire(and it lasted an extremely long time idk if it was becaause on top of the holofan) if we had a different shuttle without tiny fans or hell if i parked on our two back doors that don’t have tinyfans(and i almost did it lol) we would’ve 100% gotten plasmaflooded and the outcome would’ve been worse, probably severely harming us up to killing not to mention the things we found would’ve burnt out, luckily that didn’t happen.

We spent the round trying to find a ship to have more room and to show Captain a NT vessel and make the crew interact with it by helping build a few stuff not to recruit them or at least that was my plan and most of the things we found were given to the crew, from mats, food, misc items and we also had some contraband to deliver to brig(in fact if we would’ve found the ruin earlier we would’ve given all that extra firepower of guns to sec for the eventual reevee fight though we didn’t know it was clockies since Cap never asked us until a minute before the portal opened)

So yeah, if Mia hadn’t died we would’ve probably still asked… Why? Since the plasnaflood already felt like too much and the stingmines were… weird and it’s not like any of us did any pray or insulted idk, the Syndicate to let the admin an opening to some extra buss


Alright, this is the context that was needed. If an admin did indeed place the mine in the doorway AFTER you’ve already cleared the area, then I agree that was a bit much.

That’s an interesting perspective. So, in your opinion-- you’d rather admins didn’t try to DM within a round at all? The fact that an admin tried to do something extra without you directly asking for it put you off? I’m asking this genuinely.

(Mind that I don’t know the full extent of the bus, I’m purely going off what was written in the report-- once we delve into the logs we’ll know more. I’m just curious about your perspective)


Well being genuine i do like admin interventions that are engaging like the whole “impostor” thing being sent to our holopad and having a few very aggresive spreading vines on ruins and our own ship was interesting because we had a lot of dead time while going from one ruin to another so it did shake things up a bit and it was fun! It was a slow shift after all.

I guess we just felt the escalation? On the bus increased out of knowhere and it could’ve been better communicated to us that we were going to face a more dangerous thing without directly telling us of course(Let’s say for example they could’ve followed up with some flickering lights and an ominous voice telling us to return to station and since we didn’t and landed on another ruin we return to a ship full of hostile ghost simplemobs) So that way as a player we have a way of choosing either ignoring the unnatural things in front of us and face the consquences or take the message and return or be more careful all while interacting with the other admin(which was happening earlier with the two? Holopad messages but it stopped there)

What i meant with the last part it was me mostly mentioning that section of “You can pray! But you never know what might happen!” Like, if we did a random ritual and prayed and it backfired it would’ve been far more accepted than the unfair bomb and the dangerous plasmaflood hence me saying that if Mia didn’t die we would’ve obviously been curious on why the ship had stingmines and the plasmaflood on the pirate ship(and we spoke through the round between us that we wanted a bigger ship) and we would’ve asked the admin what was the motivation behind it just to clear the doubt.

When we posted our message on the salt mines, Fresh replied(though he wasn’t the one who did it but he was present in round) and his wording there gave me a feeling of “Well you guys were five people out of the station… ;)” Which makes it feel like it was our fault, if that’s what caused the other admin to bus to make us return or something that that’s interesting because four of us are already Explorer-trained and it’s not the first time the curator teams up with Explos and the assistant asked to join us before we were a full team but we were doing our job and following basic SoP


I was present for this round as the assistant hired on for exploration, when there was only one explorer at round start - I believe second joined around the 8 - 10 minute mark.

To give some additional context on the bus, some of 4-5 landmines placed that I saw, were like this:

  1. Group 1 goes through the airlocks onto the shuttle without an issue.
  2. Airlock is closed.
  3. 5-10 seconds later, Group 2 starts to enter the shuttle but is delayed due to there suddenly being a landmine in the airlock.

One of the ruins, an arcade center, had a ton of kudzu growing in it right as we left the ship and before getting into the door, parking to entering was maybe 20 seconds. Not a bad thing on its own of course

While there was the ship imposter thing going on, several pets were killed and then… that was it. No sort of development for if the imposter had been slain or anything. Probably due to the clock cult suddenly firing off.

I get bussed pretty regularly and don’t mind it at all, but the way the landmines and other bits were adding up - it gave me (personally) the impression it was more malevolent or mean-spirited in nature, rather than trying to enhance the round for the exploration crew.

I’m neutral to the report because I know pulling good bus can be difficult and that it was a large exploration crew - just needed more nuance in the execution or a finality to the ‘storyline’ that was being presented, though the latter understandably is difficult to do when clock cult is about to start summoning.


Alrighty, so after looking into the situation I would argue that the adminbus leading up to the situation described here was more or less acceptable
You were a lot more people than explo is “balanced” for and a little bit of adminbus to spice things up is fine.
Mines are rather unfun to work against, considering they delimb you. Add on to the fact that the mine was spawned underneath a door you’ve already passed and cleared. You had no IC reason to believe there would suddenly be a delimbing mine there.

To summarize this, I would argue the bus was more or less fine at the beginning, but the mine at the end was too much.

I’ve talked to the admin in question and discussed with them what they could’ve done better.

Thank you for the report!