Unknown admin grief report

In-game misconduct:

CKEY: Geatish

Your Discord: Geatish

Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): -

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-11-09

Round Number: 50604

Rules Broken (if relevant): 8 Do Not Grief

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): -

Incident Description: As a solo explorer I had the mission to assassinate a clown. When I got to the derelict station I met the clown instantly and we had a small fight, during which they plasma flooded my shuttle, though i managed to kill them before it caught fire. I started up my portable scrubber and left the shuttle for a moment to collect more disks, waiting for all the plasma to be sucked up.
During this, an admin had spawned a igniter + timer assembly which most certainly wasn’t there to begin with, either way the shuttle caught fire and burnt everything inside it.

Additional Information:
An admin (unsure if it was the same) cleaned up a bit after the fire, deleting the assembly, spawning in new consoles and a can of plasma so i could get back.

And before anyone else asks this, I strongly doubt this was done by anyone else, since the only way onto the shuttle was through a hallway i was standing in and it would have been way easier to use one of the welders laying near by to ignite the plasma.

Edit: apparently it was ruko who was the one who did it, they were also the one to try and clean it up.

Edit 2: it wasnt ruko…


I’m curious who convinced you I was responsible for this because this wasn’t me lol


@Geatish Hello, I am the topic of this report.

I should make it clear that there were not two admins on during this period, nor did I intentionally mean to ignite the shuttle, but I think its fair to say I rather ruined your round.

For context, I first commented on this thread privately 15 minutes after it was posted with my perspective, on November 9th 12:31 EST. I will quote it publicly.

I wanted to write an account of this from my perspective so headmins had what they needed to process it as soon as possible.


I had gotten either a prayer or a dchat message from the ruin inhabitant about igniting the shuttle, which I took as an opportunity to check what was going on. The explorer shuttle had been flooded with plasma and the shuttle was in a dangerous position.

I really did not want to ignite the shuttle, which is why I avoided the welder or overloading the APC, I just wanted to add a threat or make it seem like there were more operatives, however the spark traveled further than I expected and did ignite the shuttle.

Afterwards while you were in another room I stabilized the area, fixed the broken machines, and respawned some of the burnt items.

I didn’t intend to affect you adversely like dchat probably wanted, and it ultimately turned out as.

Honestly, what I was going for doesn’t really work when theres only one explorer. This was a lapse in my judgement which I tried to fix quickly, which is why it likely looks like the actions of two different admins.

From the player perspective, it likely looks like there was someone out to grief and fuck you over, which wasn’t my intention and I’m sorry for that.


Alrighty! We’ve looked into this report and also discussed it with @RKz .

This was nothing more than an honest mistake on their part. Which can happen to all of us admins, we’re only humans after all.
Rkz has been reminded to be a bit more careful in the future, but apart from that I don’t think any action is necessary.

Thank you for the report and apologize for the inconvenience!