Unkn own Player Report

In-game report:

   Title: Unknown Player Report
   CKEY: Antops12

   Your Discord:Antops12#1591

   Offender’s CKEY: Unknown

   LRP or MRP server: Mrp

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Keagan Reichter

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY):February, Tuesday 23, 2021

   Round Number: 27314

   Rules Broken: Powergaming, self antag

   Incident Description: They trespassed into brig and stole items from hos locker and used a deputy card on their id. they were detained and let go after their time to later return and sneaks into armory and grabs a energy gun, laser gun, then adv sunglasses. I tell him to put them back and give me your id you not a deputy. They try to escape by shooting out a window. I Use a energy guns disabler to try to stop him and then he lasers me dead. I believe he attacked a other officer a bit later

Incident Description: They trespassed into brig and stole items from hos locker and used a deputy card on their id. they were detained and let go after their time to later return and sneaks into armory and grabs a energy gun, laser gun, then adv sunglasses. I tell him to put them back and give me your id you not a deputy. They try to escape by shooting out a window. I Use a energy guns disabler to try to stop him and then he lasers me dead. I believe he attacked a other officer a bit later

for readability


Report Accepted

Player has very few offenses on record, but this has been noted so similar behavior can be watched for in the future. The offending CKEY was @BatteryBan