Unfair punishment by tyranicranger4

In-game misconduct:

Title: [Tyranicranger4] Admin Report

CKEY: OverPowered Operator

Your Discord: N/A

Offender’s CKEY: Tyranicranger4

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): N/A

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 2021-03-11 10:53:42

Round Number: 27809

Rules Broken (if relevant): Powergaming

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Unfair punishment

Incident Description: I was an assistant named Walter Potter and these was this HoP who was organizing a quest (That is, if someone brought him all the stamps on the station he'd give you an AA golden ID card), I finished his quest and got the said AA card and went to security to gear up (it was a greenshift also), and i found a unica 6 in the contraband locker and took it, moments later i got bwoinked and had to spent 10 minutes explaining the sitatuion but the admin seemed to ignore it and went with his reasoning that i was still an assistant even though i got a job change to "the chosen one" and that i was powergaming, they then applied a 3 days MRP server ban.

Additional Information: I still am not convinced that i did anything wrong because first i obtained the AA in a legitment way and if anything it was the hop's fault for organizing such games, and second it was not LRP considering the admin's ,,MRP"" behaviour on that round (literally inputting emoticons like ":)" in allied station messages when announcing), and third my reasoning is that if centcom officials and captain spawn with protective gear for self defense (and the former has a unica 6 autorevolver) then why cant i, as "the chosen one" with a _GOLDEN_ AA card have a unica 6 autorevolver? and fourth to my knowledge i had no prior notes or bans and yet i (unfairly) got a 3 days ban even though it was not my fault in the first place, if i start the shift as an assistant but somehow end up getting promoted to a head (by the captain or hop) that doesnt mean i am powergaming and that i stay an assistant permanently regardless of what my id says.

Incident Description: I was an assistant named Walter Potter and these was this HoP who was organizing a quest (That is, if someone brought him all the stamps on the station he’d give you an AA golden ID card), I finished his quest and got the said AA card and went to security to gear up (it was a greenshift also), and i found a unica 6 in the contraband locker and took it, moments later i got bwoinked and had to spent 10 minutes explaining the sitatuion but the admin seemed to ignore it and went with his reasoning that i was still an assistant even though i got a job change to “the chosen one” and that i was powergaming, they then applied a 3 days MRP server ban.

Additional Information: I still am not convinced that i did anything wrong because first i obtained the AA in a legitment way and if anything it was the hop’s fault for organizing such games, and second it was not LRP considering the admin’s ,MRP"" behaviour on that round (literally inputting emoticons like “:)” in allied station messages when announcing), and third my reasoning is that if centcom officials and captain spawn with protective gear for self defense (and the former has a unica 6 autorevolver) then why cant i, as “the chosen one” with a GOLDEN AA card have a unica 6 autorevolver? and fourth to my knowledge i had no prior notes or bans and yet i (unfairly) got a 3 days ban even though it was not my fault in the first place, if i start the shift as an assistant but somehow end up getting promoted to a head (by the captain or hop) that doesnt mean i am powergaming and that i stay an assistant permanently regardless of what my id says.

For readibility’s sake

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to clarify, the ban message also states krav megas but after i took the unica 6 the admin pm’ed and it was like a few minutes later that i took krav megas (there was no warden), so the ban was centered around the unica 6 (which centcom officials and other highranking officers start with)

This should be a ban appeal not admin report

thats the other server, not the admin

If HoS and Warden have armory why I as non-antag assistant cannot?

This is my first impression also

Quick question:

What’s your original CKEY?

again i was not an assistant anymore, ihad a golden AA card and i obtained it in a legal way, it’s job title didnt say assistant eitehr it said “the chosen one”, i am not sure why you insist that i was still an assistant, it’s like saying why does the centcomm official has a unica 6 autorevolver, is he powergaming?

centcomm official is command
captain is command
hop is command
assistant with custom job title and AA is not command

this OverPowered Operator, also i believe the ban was completely unfair in general because if anything it wasnt my fault for getting aa it was hop’s fault for handing out aa, i wasnt powergaming just by having legally obtained aa, but despite me explaing it more than 10 times the admin just ignored it

I said your original CKEY. You are not a 1-day old player.

you didn’t powergame by having AA
you powergamed by taking the fucking revolver from restricted area
access =/= permission

i might be new on bee but that doesnt mean i am also new to ss13 in general

but are you telling me that captain is restricted from the armoury as long as there is a warden?

I am fully aware of that - this is why I’m asking what your original account name was. Your current account was created yesterday, but you are clearly quite an experienced player

You weren’t the captain
and the captain shouldn’t take stuff from armory anyway

i had a golden id (that only the captain and hop have) with aa, and my job title was “champion”, what else do i need to become a captain or atleast one rank below it?

true but i never played on beestation on my original account (Which i deleted because this one sounds cooler), incase you are wondering my originaly account was called “Arity”

edit: (you cant delete byond accounts i know but i just abandoned it and dont play on it anymore, also this isnt related to this post anyhow)

actually get appointed as a captain or command

have you read the rules?

i subscribe to the belief that if you defeat the captain in ragecage combat and take his medal of captaincy you take his title as captain.

In all seriousness, the only way to become captain or second below him (other than my totally legit method) is to start as captain or a head/have the captain explicitly promote you . Having AA doesnt give you permission to take shit from armoury especially on green and especially when not even the captain is allowed to do that.

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