Unban-Appeal Hawks-The-Eyes [Admin: piterskiy]

CKEY: Brille65

Admin’s CKEY: piterskiy

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: All

Ban Type: Server Ban

Ban Length: 1 Month

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 03,30,2020

Round ID: 14033

Ban Reason: massive overescalation, powergaming and overall shitter behaviour with same notes. overescalated a situation to the point when he started building combat mechs(durand) and using them to attack security, changing ai laws to de-crew security and his enemies. all of this was done with his fellow roboticist. Hawks-The-Eyes and Kur-Reet player report

Appeal Reason: Hello, I’d like to ask to get the ban at least shortened, if not removed. I see that trying to hunt down one person with a fighting mech and injuring / killing 3 officers in the process for simple greytiding was over the top. In future i will just go the regularly way and wait for security to handle this.
All tho i have to say, if i remember that correct, i did not changed AI laws to de-crew security… it only said not to help security as in “open the door” etc… Its true tho that i de-crew the engineer who started the fight.

Additional Information:

Doing all that in one round is pretty extreme on MRP. Frequent similar notes as well.

With the addition of better and new MRP rules, I’m pushing for us to actually enforce them. Also with a lowered cap we want to make sure people who want to follow MRP rules are the ones getting spots. I’d say maybe make it MRP ban only if you’re inclined Pit.

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I… may wanna add to consider that i watched closely that i dont hurt people if they dont hurt me… others for sure would just go full rambo and blow up everyone but i tried to crit them at max so they stop shooting at me (Where the casualties was just about 3 people i think?)(ALSO i gave people a chance to just leave… and come on. When a mech is saying go away… you go away, or? eh…) I KNOW its over escalation, but giving what i see in the ban notes or witnessed it was… like almost nothing …
Also Mr. I-Grief-People-because-i-didnt-got-what-i-want should get a note at least too for provocation >.>

@Piterskiy Hello? It’s be nearly a week.

sure ya will, in a month

the ban stays.

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